Nirth: Does anyone have a credible source on updated data regarding age difference, chronic issues before being infected or anything else that might be of use to determine risk? WHO released numbers but it's from February 28th. It seems high risk was at the time only 80 years of age or more, usually with chronic issues.
Dunno the exact data, but "thankfully"(as in it could be worse, so thankfully it's not) it seems to mostly be hitting those over 70 or so and those with pre-existing conditions(and also those with suppressed or destroyed immune systems), and even then it's around 5-10% of all cases needing hospitalization and around 5% or less succumbing to the disease.
Angm4r: I just want to add the recipe of the WHO for disinfection is not working as intended and should not be used. Better use Isopropanol (sorry do not know the english word for it) 70%.
Good advice, but that's assuming people can get ahold of it OR the ingredients to make such.
Also the virus(afaik) "dies" on skin from just using good soap and as long as people don't touch their faces and wash their hands regularly they should be much safer(though not 100% safe from this) by using common sense and following the other WHO/CDC guidelines.
Angm4r: To the person above me, afaik by my sister who is leading emergency station and intensive care station in a german hospital, risk is 50+ and not 80+. But it can also get younger people as those have died to it as well.
That's likely just that one hospital/area(or a few of them)....i.e. a statistical anomaly.
Yes, SOME 50+ people have landed in the hospital, BUT the majority have been over 65-70.
(Yes, some younger people have gotten this and died as well.....although the numbers of young people who got such & died were low, and possibly[not certainly] might have been caused in part by pre-existing/underlying conditions)
To all reading/the thread: Added a news story link someone linked in another thread to the OP post....will likely add more later