francksteel: Are you sure to risk your life or the others on that
Why? Because I take the proper precautions so the risk is mitigated to a level that is close to zero.
Also I am not overly worried, and won't let paranoia rule my life.
(And i'm not the only entire family feels this way, and many i've spoken too feel the same...i.e. they want people to be safe but aren't going to get overly worried or cautious to an unneeded level over this)
BTW since you brought up possible DO know there can be bad(sometimes very bad) results to even good acts and things, right? Example: You let someone in their vehicle cut in front of you to be nice and let them go first....they then go through an intersection you were also about to go through and an oncoming vehicle hits them instead of you.
Basically we cannot let what ifs and such worries rules our lives, or we are apt to become hermits/shut ins afraid to do much of anything.
francksteel: That's what was hoped 1 month ago.
Doesn't seems to fit the numbers and way of contamination, and, if you read the last link, you can understand or fear that in a supermarket - which is not really vented - there can be airborne contaminations.
Studies have shown
it isn't IS, however,
droplet spread(which can hang in the air for a short time).....and can possibly be aerosolized through vents and such in buildings(researchers are still looking into that one).
Btw if it WERE airborne, those masks most people wear wouldn't stop it and many more would be sick by now. francksteel: Articles linked
Yes, the virus is "airborne" if one counts droplet spread via coughing/sneezing....beyond that it is not(as said above).
francksteel: For me, this is just living in society.
You protect others as you would like them to protect you, full circle.
But I know I cannot convince you on that.
Yes, but people should do it of their own free will.
francksteel: How long will the doctors/nurses... will accept (or even be able) to work 80-90 hours per week and risk their lives so we can have normal lives and do non essential works / go to forest and beach ?
To be clear: I meant more I think we should lock down for a month or more(give it time to die out), then go back slowly to "life as normal" but with some measures in place....which would get lifted a little at a time. Combine that with isolating the vulnerable(which is being done anyways) and we should be able to beat this and be fair to everyone in equal amounts.
francksteel: Well, again to be blunt and honnest, not sure who is selfish.
Imo a good number are to some degree.....even those who say things like "think of this or that person" could be doing it because they don't want themselves or their loved ones to get sick.
francksteel: Or at least, wear something that say 'hey ! I took the risk of spreading and catching covid, don't heal me, focus on someone else'
Not that, but I would totally be ok with wearing something to let people know I had been around groups of people so they could know to avoid me.
francksteel: But, well, as a prefect (don't know how to explain this rank in our administration, but well, it's a very high position in France) said : "if you are in reanimation, you deserve it for not being enough careful and not following orders".
And it's a risk i'm willing to take(to go out to the park by myself to sit alone, to get groceries, etc).
While doing so I do my best to not contaminate anything(I don't touch many things anyways due to phobias/etc), and try not to cough/sneeze except into elbow/napkin, and I feel that's more than fair(compared to those partying in large groups right now or doing similar things).
francksteel: The family of the 273 doctors dead in Italy, or the at least 5 (maybe more as today) in France, the essential workers contaminated while working (and so not able to respect social distance) and now deceased have appreciated.
Thing is(and this is going to sound uncaring, but I am more for being honest than using sweet half truths), people die....even without corona, people die/have died/will continue to die(of diseases and other things)'s not as if people would cease to die ever again if everyone wore a mask/stayed at home/etc.
Yes, I want as many to get through this and not get sick as possible, but eventually as time passes all the people who survive this(even me) will die......there's no way around that.
Also question: what about all the elderly who are stuck at home who might be in the last year or their lives who have to spend it stuck alone/nearly alone in their homes? Should they be made to isolate and spend the last months of their lives stuck in their homes and suffer because of all this? What about them?