dr.schliemann: I must say
I don't like the way the thread has been diverted from its original purpose.
GameRager: I am not into some of the latest posts myself because they are more on "lofty" subjects like economics & written in more complex terminology, and are sometimes huge walls of text that it's hard to focus on/get through.
That said, some of it has been somewhat on-topic......I just skip some of it or skim it(as a good chunk of it is above my head and/or a bit "boring" to me) and look for updates on the world situation by those still posting such, and think those who don't want to read such posts(by anyone) should try their best to do the same.
dr.schliemann: I would have a lot to say about the subjects you are discussing about in the last posts, but this is not the right place nor the right moment to, so
I ask you to refrain to post anything not directly related to COVID-19 and its impact on daily life.
GameRager: Thing is, they have nowhere else to post it on GOG except maybe PM, and PMs have a 2 user limit(per pm channel)....also if they made a thread on this sort of thing alone it'd likely be shut down.
I agree we should MAINLY talk about the virus's effects worldwide(news reports, information, etc) & other things directly or closely related to the situation, but if some can talk civilly while doing such posts AND keep such posts to a minimum shouldn't we give them a "safe space" to do so to be kind to our fellow man?
dr.schliemann: Otherwise I will be forced to suppose that the thread has already reached its goal, it's not useful anymore and, in that case, I will ask the moderators to lock it myself.
GameRager: Why would it have reached it's goal or not be useful? Covid is still ongoing.
diverted ?
just noticed this topic
Anyway.... every country has many problems, majority handled quick and effectively, a few were a little late.....
Germany seems to have litte casualties, so they seem to be alert and responded fast , and some were less quick to respond for now we can only watch the online info and wait. For those who can read Dutch, Google and read some of the news, and response on social media and you will see how they handled it ......
francksteel: An analysis of the current situation and future crisis (you can subtitle it in english), by a somewhat well known french astrophysician.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SmNJ0R9ZUg thanks for the links, we Dutch use our local news and ofcourse the English news, German news, to see how they handle it. And also the Belgium news our neighbors.....
Anyway its a good thing we dont have to give grades on performance on how well things are handled like this case
in European on a scale of 10 ( 10 is only for the head master) .