Posted March 28, 2020
low rated
Having trouble posting - trying in two parts maybe.
Part 1.
LiefLayer: You are wrong, China not only sent masks they also sent a team of doctors to help people with covid 19. That's why I said no 'EU' country had sent masks to Italy. So pointing the finger solely at Germany seems a bit harsh.
LiefLayer: Also, this is not a definitive Eurobond, they are just a tool for this specific moment where debt is the only way to solve the problem and where you cannot cut anything if you don't want people to starve. There's humanitarian aid, and there's economical lending i.e. bonds. Let's not mix those two up. Also, there *are* other ways to solve this problem, like mentioned the re-purposing of the Euro Stability Fund/Mechanism, which seems to be the way EU is headed. So no, eurobonds are not the only way to solve this crisis and the ensuing economic recession.
LiefLayer: We are already paying for the mistakes and wastes of those who have governed us in the past (our taxes are among the highest in the world), at this moment, however, it is not time to think about public debt. This is the time to save lives which is much more important.
If Germany and the others want to help, give us the opportunity to borrow money at zero or negative rates, because a lot of money will be needed to face this moment and the crisis immediately after. Otherwise we will do it alone or with the help of countries that are truly our allies. Eurobonds cannot be implemented now without a common fiscal policy, or at least a somewhat unified one. It would basically mean transfer of money/income/wealth from less indebted countries to more indebted countries. The interest rates for Germany would go up (even if a bit) because the EU bloc as a whole would be borrowing, not only Germany anymore, it would 'average' out a bit. So Germans would stand to lose a lot actually - all without any control how that money is overseen or spent and with what kind of fiscal responsibility.
It's a hard pill to swallow in 2020 for many countries, who are also all suffering from this, though to a lesser extent than Italy.
And if it's just an emergency temporary measure - that's not what a huge change like eurobonds is for. There are other ways to support EU members through the crisis, like using the ESM in an innovative way, and using the already provided stimulus from the ECB.
LiefLayer: All European countries will act as guarantors, Italy itself will act as guarantor for others (and so far it has never defaulted, despite being the victim of speculation for a long time) and the very fact that all are guarantors will greatly lower the rate. For whom? Germany? Or Italy?
Part 2
LiefLayer: If it were so simple, Italy and the other countries would have accepted immediately.
What Germany want Italy to use is the MES, which however serves to correct the economy with reforms that would definitely kill the country at this time. My understanding it's an innovative new way to re-purpose the ESM for this task - there would be no mandatory reforms. 2% of GDP could be borrowed without any restrictions. That's the latest I read about where we are headed.
LiefLayer: This way of thinking is the same as the Salvini-style nationalists here. Everyone closed in his own garden thinking about his own things.
If this is the Europe you want, it is a good thing that will end and you will be alone. I agree, the other extreme viewpoint is also too much to handle, i.e that of isolationism and counting each cent and where it goes and how it's spent. The whole EU is a project in solidarity and the belief that everyone benefits a lot by being a part of the EU. Even if your 'net' flows of money are negative and go to other countries. Though seemingly a loss, much is gained by enlarging the economic market and having access to it, and making it wealthier, increased trade etc.
But I think eurobonds are such a massive step (in the right direction personally), we cannot just implement them like this, in 2020, even if temporarily.
Don't worry dude, they'll figure it out, and somehow we can survive this crisis.
Part 1.

If Germany and the others want to help, give us the opportunity to borrow money at zero or negative rates, because a lot of money will be needed to face this moment and the crisis immediately after. Otherwise we will do it alone or with the help of countries that are truly our allies.
It's a hard pill to swallow in 2020 for many countries, who are also all suffering from this, though to a lesser extent than Italy.
And if it's just an emergency temporary measure - that's not what a huge change like eurobonds is for. There are other ways to support EU members through the crisis, like using the ESM in an innovative way, and using the already provided stimulus from the ECB.

Part 2

What Germany want Italy to use is the MES, which however serves to correct the economy with reforms that would definitely kill the country at this time.

If this is the Europe you want, it is a good thing that will end and you will be alone.
But I think eurobonds are such a massive step (in the right direction personally), we cannot just implement them like this, in 2020, even if temporarily.
Don't worry dude, they'll figure it out, and somehow we can survive this crisis.
Post edited March 28, 2020 by rojimboo