sanscript: Well, considering fear has always been a tool in getting more power, and governments around the world now is trying to undermine democratic freedoms by trying to get ultimate power for an unspecified time (to use force later?), I'm a little worried... Norway's government is now trying to use this situation to get unlimited power in record time. The pre-hearing was closed without any discussion.
Tbh this reminds me of the film V For Vendetta(disease spreads, govts take power and don't let it go).
(Important bits at 1:43 and also 2:03....but the whole thing is good and worth watching, imo.
sanscript: Also, Trump and FDA has just approved an older malaria drug in record time against corona without much evidence to back it up. Further, China is a massive producer of medicines to the world and they still gesticulate with their show of power and rhetorics.
They do seem to already have a dictator with several "re-education centers"...
Tbh we might need to speed up certain research methods/approval processes in this case.
That said, I know some countries are like that....I don't want it to become a world wide thing, or even more so, though.
sanscript: Wasn't it Franklin that said: "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."?
Dunno, but GOOD quote....was gonna post it before.