Flyingfluffypiglet: Pleasure. Holistic or logistic? ;-) If the latter, glad am not the only one messing up because of not enough sleep, I keep piling them up today! :-D
eastc: I'm amazed by some of the logical things they did. Fixing mask prices to 17cents, increasing production capacity to 10million/day (from a different article), paid leave if you're diagnosed and sick and a population that took it seriously. Taiwan behaved like... a rational govt... I wish I could say that about more than one of them.
Maybe I should make plans to take a long vacation in Taiwan with the next outbreak...
Indeed, Taiwan has done greatly. South Korea has done greatly, too. Their use of technology and the attitude of the people have helped. Notice how they managed to flatten the curve from march the sixth, which means they harvested the results of work done at least an infection period before: +15 days. They reacted fast and well.
Most countries have great technical personnel calling the shots, or better laying out options for those taking the decisions. This means that the disposition of the population in each country will have a definite weight in considering which measures could be actually implemented by all echelons of the civil service and authorities, and by every single citizen. If you are to take decisions, will people comply? will your political rivals support you or try to undermine you every step of the way? Do local cultural mores help or hinder the difussion of the virus? Will there be any untimely leaks?
Gudadantza: The reasons of limiting the free movement, except going to work, or for buying supplies or for important causes, closing pubs, museus, schools, parks, etc is to "flat the graph" of new contagium cases. That`s the way you can protect the old people and risky groups. So you do not colapse the health care services of each country, because they are not only treating coronavirus patients.
Then, past experience and speed are essential in a biological mundial crisis like this to flat the graph. The experience of China is the key in both.
As the people in Spain begin a lockdown that might be long, good luck and make the effort count.