Haven't lurked on here for a while, I'm glad that this is discussed.
I think the best safety measurements are washing your hands and getting cheap disposable gloves if you want to go shopping. That stuff makes a high risk threat into a mild one, at least considering how it the virus spreads. Also people may be less around you because wearing gloves may look silly to them :D! A true win-win against the virus.
fronzelneekburm: Are you surprised? :P
The vast majority of Germans barely qualify as sentient beings.
Oof, I do agree though. But I have to say that germans, while brainwashed in some parts of the population, are still extremly proficient in drinking, fucking and manual labor and that they do these three things often at the same time with a level that is just about unheard off in every other country. So much in fact that they probably are on a level of a robot or advanced AI, its actually scary how well germans can do these three things so well.
This is of course a hotbed for the virus to spread at extremly high levels as well, I do expect the amount of confirmed cases in germany to decuple to become at least 12.000 confirmed cases at best.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that germans are also amongst the best worldwide when it comes to complaining about their own country and government :P.