People refuse to obey the restriction guidelines, seeking even now to TRAVEL ABROAD! They gather mindlesslly for ENTERTAINMENT no less, instead of must do obligations... And then, you have those ediots, who even throw rhetorics about "dictatorship" governments, that take back the "freedom" of people and want to "control" them, like totalitarian regimes. Of course, it's the very same people who always throw the "science argument" around, coupled with "everybody who disagrees with me, lives in middle ages and is a stuck-up retard"... Well, gimme a coin for every self-contradictory, stupid matherfaqer that i daily come across out there and Midas would look like a pauper, before me!
Also, i am startled and worry about my sweetie. And NOT her associates. All others except her can drop dead, freely; but NOT her! Their line of work is social mostly, especially since they are "activists", too and they travel frequently, to be always found among gatherings and people of certain strata (artists? proffessors? directors? run of the mill street trash, even?). They would never listen to sit peacefully, in one place, settle down, behave, follow protocols and the rest. And their work wouldn't let them, anyway...
Ultimately -and most importantly-, it's "every man for himself".
I knew where gaping open borders and playing ball with globalist elite scum, would lead all of us...
Post edited March 10, 2020 by KiNgBrAdLeY7