Posted March 29, 2020

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom

Uncle robo cat
Registered: Apr 2015
From Slovenia

I own Komodo dragons as pets
Registered: Aug 2012
From Germany
Posted March 29, 2020

Once enough people in a population have developed resistance, the disease can't spread effectively anymore.
This approach might even work, but given the rates of severe cases even among younger age groups, it means quite a few people will die or suffer severe damage. If you're lucky and get only a mild form of the disease like the majority, no problem, but if you're unlucky...

Service with a smile :D
Registered: Sep 2014
From Netherlands
Posted March 29, 2020

and its always unknown where it stops.
Anyway i've been around long enough to experience that.

btw i noticed : From United Kingdom
under your location....
Our Premier always says we are very good friends with UK , i never met one but we do like the Britisch movies and Mr Bean, Black Adder, Are you being served, it aint hal hot mum, and many other great series.
Anyway, dont mind the typos cause there might be some mistakes in it .

I own Komodo dragons as pets
Registered: Aug 2012
From Germany
Posted March 29, 2020

New User
Registered: Mar 2020
From Austria
Posted March 29, 2020
Sad to see the eu is falling apart. Every country is for itself now.

I own Komodo dragons as pets
Registered: Aug 2012
From Germany
Posted March 29, 2020
Is this recommended as a way for "controlled" spread of the virus to achieve herd immunity???
Sounds a bit hubristic, seems like a dangerous assumption that the spread of the virus can be controlled to a degree that won't overload the health care system.
Sounds a bit hubristic, seems like a dangerous assumption that the spread of the virus can be controlled to a degree that won't overload the health care system.

Service with a smile :D
Registered: Sep 2014
From Netherlands
Posted March 30, 2020

Anyway they say they have to evaluate the situation and will brief us on it when /if more information is/comes available which is the default answer they always use.

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted March 30, 2020

This reminds me of the Asian poison jar, in reverse or something like that. That SHOULD creep people out and strongly at that, too! Brrr, they could always use lab rats or any other types of experimentation animals, but just not humans!!! That is too cruel, cold and scary, even for my standards and strange interests
Post edited March 30, 2020 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

Service with a smile :D
Registered: Sep 2014
From Netherlands
Posted March 30, 2020

well , see for yourself

Anyway bad news .....

..... younger people may not know unless they Googled it.
Post edited March 30, 2020 by gamesfreak64

Chicken is not a bird and a turk is not a human.
Registered: Nov 2012
From Armenia
Posted March 30, 2020

At your age, similar to mine, we got nothing to worry.
But it is good time as any, to think about strengthening our immune system. And that is something all of us can do.
So don't panic, don't stress, don't waste energy. Put that energy to use, by training, running, working on your garden, etc... It will benefit you more than watching news and stress yourself about everything you hear and than share that with others.
All the best!

Service with a smile :D
Registered: Sep 2014
From Netherlands
Posted March 30, 2020

Anyway its strange the media, still keeps an eye on climate even when problems are growing, they report climate is looking better because of the current measures taken, cause they seem to have a great effect on climate

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted March 30, 2020
I think people should and can still trust a good number of people.....I just think the WHO did it(as mentioned in Kai2's video linked earlier) to get people to prioritize masks for medical personnel/etc, more so than outright malice I mean.

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States
Posted March 30, 2020

The theory is that if approx. 3/4's of a society has become immune to a virus -- via recovering from infection and creating antibodies -- then said virus cannot easily spread within the society and those few outlying cases can be treated and the outbreak eradicated.
SARS proved to be a virus where the recovered patients had small numbers of antibodies for a very limited time... and COVID-19 being a cousin of SARS might share this aspect. If this is the case, herd immunity might be impossible.
Herd immunity is also a last-resort goal. A course-of-action that is essentially allowing 3/4's of your population to become infected is -- as far as I can tell -- a surrender in the face of not just a difficult pathogen, but also to gross underpreparedness.
This is the sad truth -- many of the wealthiest countries have also been the least prepared for this crisis... but that isn't for them being caught unawares. Most of these countries have been briefed for DECADES on the likelihood of a pandemic... and on a SARS-related pandemic for the last DECADE. It wasn't that the information unavailable or didn't exist. It existed and was shown to them. But just because an issue was brought to their attention doesn't mean they prepared.
If countries like South Korea hadn't been able to pretty effectively contain their outbreak, I may have given credence to herd immunity as the only was to contain this pandemic -- and ATM it may be -- but Korea's preparedness and ability to contain the virus has shown that herd immunity is IMHO an excuse for gross negligence.
The problems with allowing a pathogen to move throughout your society are:
1) The aged and at-risk will be hit hard and there will be deaths
2) The medical system can easily be overwhelmed and may have to triage -- making choices about who gets the limited care they have available
3) In order to keep the medical system from being overwhelmed, cases need to be slowed (via things like social-distancing)...
... but...
4) Social-distancing shuts down economies... so governments and corporations don't want to do this for long. You can probably see there are competing interests involved...
... not just the health and safety of citizenry...
... and...
maybe see where "herd immunity" falls in these interests?
As we move further into this pandemic, it's very important to think about the economic issues and impacts that will arise from this crisis. You chance of dying from COVID-19 is probably small, but the economic impacts will be with us quite soon... and probably will affect all of us.
Post edited March 30, 2020 by kai2

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted March 30, 2020
low rated

(More on what I mean below)

As said above, people aren't automatons...they will have opinions on things & should(in such exceptional cases) be allowed to express them in such cases as long as its done civilly/sparingly and all other rules are followed.
That is why I asked staff to relax the rules a bit/make an exception, so people can be allowed to talk civilly and ontopic with a bit more freedom in this case.
I mean I GET it....rules and all.....but sometimes "officers"(mods and such) need to be able to make such exceptions and not just stick to the rule book.
(Of course if they[mods like Lex-etc] have no choice, i'd gladly take this up with even higher ups in this case....imo it's that important)
Agreed as well......of course this should always be happening in general.