real.geizterfahr: Thank you for organizing this giveaway. Weird thing, isn't it? You think about doing a giveaway for chinese GOGers, because they're hit hard by Corona and can't leave their homes. Then you decide to do it for others too, because Corona's spreading. And the day you announce who gets the games, you're sitting in a locked down country yourself.
You forgot the part that while waiting for donors the chinese people are doing fine already again and that 1/3 of the offered games where not even taken.
Another irony is, my grandma "kicked" me outside of home to do a walk on fresh air because it is not healthy staying all side in room but because of the hot sun but cold wind I feel like I got now sick too. What an irony.
I think I am going to treat myself with HoM&M 1 to see what it is like and because it is german and IV which I played back then at friend and had beautiful graphic and story.
But honestly despite all those hardships I am right now happy because I am alive and I have nearly everything I want and need. A WoW WotLK, MoP, WoD or Legion Standalone official SErver would be nice too but with Classic and all these good old Games I am more or less satisfied. Okay GoG could get Command and Conquer and Warcraft Refunded could give you the options to get outside of english the old voices (shivers at the thought of Cairnes new voice) but yeah mostly I have all that I need. Mayby after this I will have depts but I had this more then once and everything turned out fine always so I am gonna enjoy live.