Posted March 15, 2020
+1 to you for your thoughtfulness!
On a personal level, I am very concerned by what is happening, but I'm not in a state of frenzied panic. Maybe it's because the shit has yet to hit the fan here in Canada, but I know tougher times are coming soon. I am more worried about family in Italy at this time. It's crazy what's happening there and one of my cousins has a fragile immune system. I'm also worried about my Mom, who is of a certain age. And a couple of friends of mine who work in hospitals and community centres. So as far as the virus is concerned, I am more preoccupied about the people I know than I am for myself.
Unlike most of my friends who are able to work from home and who have plenty of cash stashed away in savings, I am more scared of the economic impact of this situation than I am of the virus itself, because I live paycheck to paycheck and missing one day of work for me is bad news. If my employeur decides to shut shop or if I fall sick, then I don't know what I'll do. My employeur is not the type to care for its employees. If it comes to that, hopefully the government will compensate us if we are forced to stay home.
Not in, for the sole reason that I already own most of the wonderful games you're giving away. ;)
Good luck to all participants. Above all, wishing you health, courage and strength!
(In a surreal sense, I feel like this international threat has somewhat united all of us, in that we all share the same fears and fragilities and we're all hoping things will get better.)
On a personal level, I am very concerned by what is happening, but I'm not in a state of frenzied panic. Maybe it's because the shit has yet to hit the fan here in Canada, but I know tougher times are coming soon. I am more worried about family in Italy at this time. It's crazy what's happening there and one of my cousins has a fragile immune system. I'm also worried about my Mom, who is of a certain age. And a couple of friends of mine who work in hospitals and community centres. So as far as the virus is concerned, I am more preoccupied about the people I know than I am for myself.
Unlike most of my friends who are able to work from home and who have plenty of cash stashed away in savings, I am more scared of the economic impact of this situation than I am of the virus itself, because I live paycheck to paycheck and missing one day of work for me is bad news. If my employeur decides to shut shop or if I fall sick, then I don't know what I'll do. My employeur is not the type to care for its employees. If it comes to that, hopefully the government will compensate us if we are forced to stay home.
Not in, for the sole reason that I already own most of the wonderful games you're giving away. ;)
Good luck to all participants. Above all, wishing you health, courage and strength!
(In a surreal sense, I feel like this international threat has somewhat united all of us, in that we all share the same fears and fragilities and we're all hoping things will get better.)