BleepBl00p: @xsinghx Are you trying to be ignorant on purpose or something?
You're clearly the only one guilty of that here.
BleepBl00p: A score is merely a number and it takes more than that to call a game a classic. A score
is a proof of appreciation, not quality.
Quality is not a necessity to call something a classic thus there are plenty of B movies
with low budgets, terrible acting, effects etc but because they are widely appreciated are
considered classics.
It should be obvious by now that not only are you lacking in understanding the meaning
of words like objective, or subjective but clearly the word classic as well.
Classic to you is simply defined by whatever you value aside from what others say.
BleepBl00p: I have quite clearly supported what I claimed.
No you haven't.
There's literally nothing you've offered other than your own idiosyncratic feelings on the
matter (which everyone has) and tried to pass them off as the definition of what should
and shouldn't be considered classic. That's the point of a classic - it's not defined by any
ONE person - which is what makes this thread and you a joke.
There aren't many articles or reviews deriding the Witcher2 or DoA that you can or have
pointed to. There's not an absence of online discussion and praise for these games.
When people reference the Witcher2 or DoA you don't see a mass of people asking -
What's that? It's quite the opposite. There's a general consensus however you quantify it,
reviews, discussion, sales, best of lists - whatever - about the appeal of these games -
which is why these titles still have relevance and are considered classic to many. It's
simply not a classic to you - but then who would care what is.