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te_lanus: May I ?
zeogold: Granted.
THanx Zeo and JunglePredator
low rated
May I have Earth 2150: The Moon Project?
Update: PAYDAY 2 added, courtesy of KoreaBeat.
Heli Heroes (Reality Pump key) added, courtesy of MarkoH01.
Lethal League, Rise of the Triad (2013), and Mount & Blade added, courtesy of VVhiteVVolf.
Gerin: May I have Earth 2150: The Moon Project?
The first Mount and Blade is a bit limited in its scope but if you are fine with conquering Calradia one town and one castle at a time, then it is warmly recommended. Warband has more things in it but I found it too much and went back to playing the first game = a recommended game.

just a tip: I found the tutorial unrepresentative of gameplay.
Post edited February 16, 2017 by Themken
zeogold: Granted.
Beautifully administered, Zeo.
If possible I wouldn't mind the triad game.
low rated
Can i grab that Payday 2 please? Thanks for sharing like always!
zeogold: Update: PAYDAY 2 added, courtesy of KoreaBeat.
Heli Heroes (Reality Pump key) added, courtesy of MarkoH01.
Lethal League, Rise of the Triad (2013), and Mount & Blade added, courtesy of VVhiteVVolf.
Correction: Heli Heroes is a Steam Key but needs third party DRM Reality Pump according to steam.

I wonder why still nobody has asked for One Finger Death Punch. This game is just amazing. What can I say more. Real fun for everybody who likes to fight in PC games.
Post edited February 16, 2017 by MarkoH01
zeogold: Update: PAYDAY 2 added, courtesy of KoreaBeat.
Heli Heroes (Reality Pump key) added, courtesy of MarkoH01.
Lethal League, Rise of the Triad (2013), and Mount & Blade added, courtesy of VVhiteVVolf.
MarkoH01: Correction: Heli Heroes is a Steam Key but needs third party DRM Reality Pump according to steam.

I wonder why still nobody has asked for One Finger Death Punch. This game is just amazing. What can I say more. Real fun for everybody who likes to fight in PC games.
Is it just a fighting game?
MarkoH01: Correction: Heli Heroes is a Steam Key but needs third party DRM Reality Pump according to steam.

I wonder why still nobody has asked for One Finger Death Punch. This game is just amazing. What can I say more. Real fun for everybody who likes to fight in PC games.
tinyE: Is it just a fighting game?
The game is about winning countless fights. I try to describe it.
You are "playing" a Kung Fu stickfigure standing in the middle of the screen. From left and right are enemys approaching and hou have to click left or right mouse button (it does not matter where the mouse cursor is so at the beginning it is quite relaxing) to destroy them left or right. The enemys will approach faster and faster and special enemys will occur for which you'll need special combos (left, left, right and so on). You have to fight a certain number of enemys to complete one area and after you have completed a few areas you will earn special sklills and be able to grab and throw weapons or will be able to destroy enemys earlier (at the beginning you have to wait until they are in your reach). The game has countless levels and completing some levels will give you special skills. You can use up to three sklills which you can change in nearly every area - beginning from a skill which will lead to destroy all enemys on screen at once which you can only use after you've already destroyed 20 enemys or so. There are also different kind of areas. In one you have to fight with a nunchako in one you have to fight with bare hands in one you even have to fight with a light sword! In addition to this the goals also are changing. In some areas you'll have to destroy all enemys on screen in a given time in another you'll have to kill 80 of them and in another you will have to destroy X objects by fighting the enemys. There also are areas in which you simply have to survive and so on. The game is simple in the game mechanics, there is much variety in the kind of fights you'll have to do and it is highly addictive. Especially in later levels you will become a master of mouse buttons. Sound is great, graphics are fitting and cool. Each fight is about a few minutes long only but I needed about 10 hours to complete the game on the first difficult level!

Also take a look at TB review:

In addition: The game does not require steam to run if you don't use the about 100 achievements (there will be a message when you start the game if steam is not active but that's about it).
Post edited February 16, 2017 by MarkoH01
tinyE: Is it just a fighting game?
MarkoH01: The game is about winning countless fights. I try to describe it.

Also take a look at TB review:

In addition: The game does not require steam to run if you don't use the about 100 achievements (there will be a message when you start the game if steam is not active but that's about it).
I'll wishlist it but I'm not going to request it in here because I snagged something last week, and it's only $5 on Steam right now.
MarkoH01: The game is about winning countless fights. I try to describe it.

Also take a look at TB review:

In addition: The game does not require steam to run if you don't use the about 100 achievements (there will be a message when you start the game if steam is not active but that's about it).
tinyE: I'll wishlist it but I'm not going to request it in here because I snagged something last week, and it's only $5 on Steam right now.
If you really rather want to BUY it at any time maybe you should pick it up here. You'll get a completely DRM-free version in addition to a steam and desura key. Same price as the regular steam version.
Themken: The first Mount and Blade is a bit limited in its scope but if you are fine with conquering Calradia one town and one castle at a time, then it is warmly recommended. Warband has more things in it but I found it too much and went back to playing the first game = a recommended game.

just a tip: I found the tutorial unrepresentative of gameplay.
I too currently favour the original Mount & Blade game, but in my case it is because it is stable and reliable whereas Warband has graphics corruption issues on AMD video hardware and too frequent random lockups so I wasn't ever able to fully get into the game and enjoy it. These issues might have solutions out there however, I didn't research it exhaustively. I know most people who play the series favour Warband out of the entire series so I must presume that it works fine for the majority of people who either are not using AMD video hardware or have found workarounds for the technical problems, and I hope to do so some time in the future as well.

My only other complaint with Warband which I presume is also common out there, is that if you played the first game and got deep into it you've been immersed into this world and its layout and lore, and in Warband it is the same land - but they completely redesigned the map and moved everything around which really threw me off and harmed the lore for me a bit. It would be like redesigning a game that takes place on Earth to move North America to be between Australia and Africa and have the US on the right and Canada on the left and rearrange just about everything for no clearly identifiable reason other than "just because". Since the 3rd game takes place under a completely different scenario it avoided that problem, and part of me wishes that they'd have just made Warband take place in a different land at a different time rather than rearrange all the locations from the first game. Sure, it's just a video game fantasy world, but part of the fantasy is seeing things as a real place as part of immersion into the world, and that's ripped right out when things are moved around for creative freedom or whatever. Why don't they make a Lord of the RIngs version of the game next and move Mordor to be right next door to The Shire. :)

Anyhow, I've rambled on about Warband offtopicly even though it is probably a fantastic game as it is made out to be.

I do have to give a huge multi-thumbs-up for Mount & Blade also though.