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Asbeau: I'd like to nominate PMIK for that copy of Mosby's Confederacy

Just want to thank Asbeau for the nomination and zeogold for the great thread/giveaway and the anonymous donator.

I'll be playing this game as soon as I can and I'll post my thoughts on that thread I started for any who are interested.
Not that I want to "sell" my donations, but One Finger Death Puch is a GREAT game if you are into Kung Fu and simple but addictive gameplay. Played it about at least 10 hours till the end while each fight only takes seconds to minutes (you do the math). I was unable to stop the game whenever I started it. Yes, it is THAT addictive.
Post edited February 07, 2017 by MarkoH01
low rated
zeogold: Granted.
TheBlondMagician: Thanks innerring and Zeo.
You have to be kidding Zeo, you've given numerous keys to this leech and his alt accounts.

He's just abusing the generosity of the donors, and you just keep serving him free games.

That's what happens when you put an immature child in charge of something.
Not meaning to interrupt, but I'll post this from the OP in case anyone who comes here and says who is a leech and who is not pops up anyway:
zeogold: 1. Keys are given AT MY DISCRETION. If you want to be the judge on where your keys go, either open up your own giveaway or go to the Non-GOG Gifting Thread.

2. Reputable members ONLY are accepted. By "reputable", I do not mean having a high rep, but having an active presence in the community. Who I deem reputable is AT MY DISCRETION.
As a general guideline, you must have a non-recent registration and have been actively participating in the community for at least a month or so. I WILL BE THE JUDGE on whether you are reputable enough or not.
I'm not posting this because Kleetus specifically brought it up, because also someone else brought it up earlier and seemed serious about it. By entrusting our keys to zeogold, you also agree to trust his judgment. By participating in this giveaway, you also agree to trust his judgment. Personally? Giveaway rules or not, I trust zeogold's judgment. If you do think that person isn't reputable, please talk about this person in PM.

I forgot to thank zeogold for running this giveaway, and for triock for his itch key of Cosmic Leap. To both of you, thank you.
wanderer_27: Can I get Project Cars?
That should about wrap me up for the month ;)
VVhiteVVolf: I would really like project cars please
Sorry, I'm afraid you were beaten to it. Anything else you'd like?
Post edited February 08, 2017 by zeogold
Hmmm, I noticed that some keys have been here for a while and few people pick them up. Mind if I grab SPACECOM, Men of War: Red Tide, and Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2?
Thank you Doc0075 for the donation of Project Cars !

Thanks again zeo for keeping this giveaway going :)
HijacK: Hmmm, I noticed that some keys have been here for a while and few people pick them up. Mind if I grab SPACECOM, Men of War: Red Tide, and Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2?
low rated
If Earth 2150 - Escape from the Blue Planet is still available i wld like 2 make a call 4 it. I already hv the other 2 (Lost Souls & The Moon Project) but as the last 1 is not available 4 sale separately i didn't 1 2 buy the Trilogy just 4 it. Thks in advance. :)
tomyam80: If Earth 2150 - Escape from the Blue Planet is still available i wld like 2 make a call 4 it. I already hv the other 2 (Lost Souls & The Moon Project) but as the last 1 is not available 4 sale separately i didn't 1 2 buy the Trilogy just 4 it. Thks in advance. :)
tomyam80: If Earth 2150 - Escape from the Blue Planet is still available i wld like 2 make a call 4 it. I already hv the other 2 (Lost Souls & The Moon Project) but as the last 1 is not available 4 sale separately i didn't 1 2 buy the Trilogy just 4 it. Thks in advance. :)
zeogold: Granted.
Redeemed with thks. Although it turns out the key was 4 the Trilogy instead, i wld still like 2 thk Zeogold 4 hosting this long-standing GA & MarkoH01 4 donating the key. :)
zeogold: Granted.
tomyam80: Redeemed with thks. Although it turns out the key was 4 the Trilogy instead, i wld still like 2 thk Zeogold 4 hosting this long-standing GA & MarkoH01 4 donating the key. :)
It was the title had on their site. Since I don't now the game(s) I did not know if it was a Trilogy or not and so I still don't know if this was good or bad. Anyway enjoy the game.
tomyam80: Redeemed with thks. Although it turns out the key was 4 the Trilogy instead, i wld still like 2 thk Zeogold 4 hosting this long-standing GA & MarkoH01 4 donating the key. :)
MarkoH01: It was the title had on their site. Since I don't now the game(s) I did not know if it was a Trilogy or not and so I still don't know if this was good or bad. Anyway enjoy the game.
I see... i wonder if it's cos Steam dun sell the individual titles but only the Trilogy so it automatically 'upgrade' me to get the Trilogy instead if i had the other 2 titles in my library? Anyway, it's all gd cos the Trilogy is supposed contain the last title i wanted to complete the Trilogy. I only hv 1 thing i dun uds though... the individual titles' installers r a few hundred MBs each but the Trilogy is also abt the same amt so i feel that's weird. Maybe it's highly compressed of something.
MarkoH01: It was the title had on their site. Since I don't now the game(s) I did not know if it was a Trilogy or not and so I still don't know if this was good or bad. Anyway enjoy the game.
tomyam80: I see... i wonder if it's cos Steam dun sell the individual titles but only the Trilogy so it automatically 'upgrade' me to get the Trilogy instead if i had the other 2 titles in my library? Anyway, it's all gd cos the Trilogy is supposed contain the last title i wanted to complete the Trilogy. I only hv 1 thing i dun uds though... the individual titles' installers r a few hundred MBs each but the Trilogy is also abt the same amt so i feel that's weird. Maybe it's highly compressed of something.
Well, I am sure you'll find out. Glad to hear that the title you wanted was also in the Trilogy package. :)
low rated
May I ?