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Thank you very much innerring!

For your generosity in gifting this copy of OlliOlli.
zeogold: Granted.
Thanks, and thanks to 01kipper for contributing the game also!
Fairfox: I know thar used to be, but that's no present GOGie Edition Community Giveaway, right? I has GRID... thingy an' Imma too dimbo to know who's trustworthy ooor not.
If you have any GOG keys you want rid of, you can give them to me. I'm slowly forming a collection in preparation for re-opening the GOG edition of the Community Giveaway. It's been taking me a while since:
1. I want to have a substantial number of games to get out the gate with
2. I'm debating whether I want a partner to help me manage it and just who this person would be if I could acquire such help
Update: Swords & Soldiers HD, Cogs, Canabalt, Offspring Fling, Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition, and BIT.TRIP.RUNNER/Gratuitous Space Battles/Jamestown pack added, courtesy of VVhiteVVolf.
kusumahendra: May I ask for Papo & Yo?
zeogold: Granted.
Thank you Crackpot.756 and Zeogold for Papo & Yo :)
zeogold: Update: Swords & Soldiers HD, Cogs, Canabalt, Offspring Fling, Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition, and BIT.TRIP.RUNNER/Gratuitous Space Battles/Jamestown pack added, courtesy of VVhiteVVolf.
Since the ACI was region restricted & I couldn't use it am I able to ask for Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition?

ACI would have been sweet since, as side scrollers, the AC series blows "value" side scrolls like Bloodrayne: Betrayal out of the water.
Anyone who likes side scrollers with logical platforming I suggest trying it.
Fairfox: I know thar used to be, but that's no present GOGie Edition Community Giveaway, right? I has GRID... thingy an' Imma too dimbo to know who's trustworthy ooor not.
zeogold: If you have any GOG keys you want rid of, you can give them to me. I'm slowly forming a collection in preparation for re-opening the GOG edition of the Community Giveaway. It's been taking me a while since:
1. I want to have a substantial number of games to get out the gate with
2. I'm debating whether I want a partner to help me manage it and just who this person would be if I could acquire such help
Getting old already, zeo, so you need a partner to help you with the hard work? ;)
low rated
MarkoH01: Getting old already, zeo, so you need a partner to help you with the hard work?
Ever since he broke up with tinyE everything's been a struggle.
Glad to see this is still going.
Kleetus: Leech with alt accounts.

How many games have you taken so far?
doronnorod: He somehow made it to the other private gog forum that tinyE told us about.

Even there he is leeching like a drug addict leeches for drugs.

Don't ask me who gave me the screenshots. Zeogold already is at odds with that person.
well, i DO ask who gave that for the simple reason that this kind informant:

1) does half the job by failing to ever "warn" giveaway organisators about a potential leecher they would be unaware of
2) maybe considers that a person who organises a giveaway (of gathered keys from various donators) OR a single donator of many keys to be AS guilty an offender and as filthy scum of a person AS he considers a leecher would be

AFAIC, and because i'm directly concerned for obvious reasons, i would say this kind informant that seems to delights himself/herself in exposing the truth is also trying to condemn key donators as well, doing what he does.
Think about it: did he warn/contacted giveaway orgainsators/key donators first to warn them about a "known leecher" ? No he didnt ! he rather exhibited a leecher through some indirect means, using another user to carry out "the good words" of it, and in my opinion, trying also to discredit key donators as well

feel free to prove me wrong here or in PM, and feel free to tell this good righteous soul to either prove me wrong, or let it be known his/her silence will be proof he didnt want only to expose a leecher but also to spit on key donhators as well, in some twisted logics...
Post edited March 02, 2017 by Djaron
doronnorod: He somehow made it to the other private gog forum that tinyE told us about.

Even there he is leeching like a drug addict leeches for drugs.

Don't ask me who gave me the screenshots. Zeogold already is at odds with that person.
Djaron: well, i DO ask who gave that for the simple reason that this kind informant:

1) does half the job by failing to ever "warn" giveaway organisators about a potential leecher they would be unaware of
2) maybe considers that a person who organises a giveaway (of gathered keys from various donators) OR a single donator of many keys to be AS guilty an offender and as filthy scum of a person AS he considers a leecher would be

AFAIC, and because i'm directly concerned for obvious reasons, i would say this kind informant that seems to delights himself/herself in exposing the truth is also trying to condemn key donators as well, doing what he does.
Think about it: did he warn/contacted giveaway orgainsators/key donators first to warn them about a "known leecher" ? No he didnt ! he rather exhibited a leecher through some indirect means, using another user to carry out "the good words" of it, and in my opinion, trying also to discredit key donators as well

feel free to prove me wrong here or in PM, and feel free to tell this good righteous soul to either prove me wrong, or let it be known his/her silence will be proof he didnt want only to expose a leecher but also to spit on key donhators as well, in some twisted logics...
IGNORE doronnorod. Arguing with him is pointless because he lies out of his ass. A while back he got caught in here trying to sell/trade bogus codes and is still trying to get revenge for everyone who called him out on it.

As far as whatever disagreement zeo and I had, I have to live with being the giant despicable asshole I was, and I was, and just hope he forgives me for it.

Now for the betterment of the thread and the giveaway lets please just drop it.
Post edited March 02, 2017 by tinyE
tinyE: Now for the betterment of the thread and the giveaway lets please just drop it.
Since this is even a part of the rules in the OP post (no scammer discussions ect.) I could not agree more.
wow no posts for 2 days
is that a record?
Vyraexii: wow no posts for 2 days
is that a record?
I think we've had longer before, I've just been busy a bit recently with school stuff. Now that that's cleared up, I'll get back to updating the list proper with the games that've been added recently.
zeogold: Update: Swords & Soldiers HD, Cogs, Canabalt, Offspring Fling, Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition, and BIT.TRIP.RUNNER/Gratuitous Space Battles/Jamestown pack added, courtesy of VVhiteVVolf.
JunglePredator: Since the ACI was region restricted & I couldn't use it am I able to ask for Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition?
Granted. I'll add the warning about AC: India once I get it on the list.
Post edited March 05, 2017 by zeogold