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Seemannsdaemlack: What's with the donation I sent you?
Oh, criminy. I've been lurking on the front page for a couple hours now and didn't even notice this.
Apologies for waiting/taking so long, but I've been updating the list, rearranging things (found some DLC items that aren't under the DLC mark and found some games that should be daggered), reorganizing my Excel sheet and adding new donations bit by bit as I go along. I dunno whether you noticed, but I actually had it on the OP for a fair bit, but hadn't announced it (and almost lost it due to some poor formatting that it took me way too long to solve).
Well, I think Momo would enjoy that Tales game. Could you poke her again zeogold?
(and do it right this time, just dump it in her chat and ask no question)
May I have Robin Hood: Legend of Sherwood?
Stooner: Well, I think Momo would enjoy that Tales game. Could you poke her again zeogold?
(and do it right this time, just dump it in her chat and ask no question)
I thought Momo was gone for good?
JunglePredator: Who?

And worshiping is kinda silly.
I meant Keane as in Jack Keane, god of Insomnia. And yeah, I mostly agree with you about worshipping, which is why I instead pretend to be a zealot for the fictional Church of Sakaguchism in an internet forum. You know, for shits and giggles.
low rated
Long time since I last was here. Mind if I have Company of Heroes 2 - The Western Front Armies: US Forces? Thanks!
JunglePredator: Who?

And worshiping is kinda silly.
Chandoraa: I meant Keane as in Jack Keane, god of Insomnia. And yeah, I mostly agree with you about worshipping, which is why I instead pretend to be a zealot for the fictional Church of Sakaguchism in an internet forum. You know, for shits and giggles.

May I have Iron Storm, please ?
Huh.... see the nes alts are in force today.
Welp... happy round of up votes for zeo!
May I please have AGON-The Mysterious Codex. It is a point and click that I have wanted to try for awhile now.
JunglePredator: Huh.... see the nes alts are in force today.
Welp... happy round of up votes for zeo!
Granted (meaning I did what I could).

i rate all post from you +1 in the thread from page 170-now
Post edited January 04, 2017 by Schizo2015
low rated
Schizo2015: i rate all post from you +1 in the thread from page 170-now
I've been doing that since I saw his first post years ago.
supplementscene: Yes he's essentially Gene Hunt isn't he? And I can understand it being difficult for a none native English speaker picking up the accent, nevermind the dialect/slang. Which is probably compounded by the fact it mixes in American English.

It had loads of scope for further adventures though. But I guess it didn't sell enough.
MarkoH01: Exactly Gene Hunt, that was the one I meant. And yes, it was nearly impossible for me to understand the dialect in the series but still I refused to watch a dubbed German version (yes, there acually IS one - at least from Lif On Mars) because imo the dialect is part of the atmosphere and it is just fitting. It was not THAT difficutl for me to understand Hector but still some of the cutscenes ... I am glad someone at the Telltale forums did make a transcript for them even though I already had finishged the game at that point.

BTW: This is my desktop background :)
There was actually a variety of accents with the different characters that would of made it more difficult for a none native speaker.

I loved Life on Mars, and spoiled going out on valentines day to watch the first episode of Ashes to Ashes but I couldn't really enjoy Ashes to Ashes. Sam Tyler was a great balancing character and both had seemingly had the background of working class northerners (ie industrial cities) and it was set in Manchester. When they moved it to London and had a middle class woman to balance with Hunt, it didn't have the same grittyness.

Anyway my friend if you like adventure games there appears to have been a few added to this giveaway. The AGON games maybe being the best and Amerzone, Egypt and Experience 112 look interesting and worth a play to.

Out of interest it seems many German's can speak/understand English, what percentage would you estimate this is and why is it so high compared to other countries? Do you learn languages at an early age?
Post edited January 04, 2017 by supplementscene
It struck me too how many nice looking adventure games were recently added. I am not very much into them and play only one in two years or so.