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low rated
Lucius_Malfoy: Can I request Insurgency, Lethal League and War of the Roses: Kingmaker please?

Happy New Year everybody!
You just won Saboteur from doc0075 giveaway and took part in adamhm linux giveaway.
You won multiple games this winter on gog giveaways.

The "2016 Leech of the year" award goes to you Lucius_Malfoy.

I get the feeling you are an alt of Lester knight.

Another guy who previously had uncontrollable urges to hoard games on gog.
Post edited January 02, 2017 by doronnorod
Phew it has been hectic new year with work, looking at the list if they are available may i request for

Garshasp: The Monster Slayer
Slipstream 5000

Belated to happy new year to all the gog community lets all hope for sweeping changes on the forums this year to make this community even better and closer together .
MarkoH01: BTW: Very high recommendation for "Ben there Dan that" and "Time Gentlemen please" for every fan of point and click adventures with great humour. Loved both of them (they are both parts of one story).
You should play Hector Badge Of Carnage, similar British humour in a point and click setting and the funnest game I've played. Pity there was never a sequel.
Can I get Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood please? And does it work on win7 32 bit anyone? Thanks
Logtck: Hi, may I ask for LIMBO?
zeogold: Granted.
Hi, thanks again for the key and happy new year!!! :)

And thanks MarkoH01 for donating the key!
Post edited January 04, 2017 by Logtck
MarkoH01: BTW: Very high recommendation for "Ben there Dan that" and "Time Gentlemen please" for every fan of point and click adventures with great humour. Loved both of them (they are both parts of one story).
supplementscene: You should play Hector Badge Of Carnage, similar British humour in a point and click setting and the funnest game I've played. Pity there was never a sequel.
Already did (a long time ago) but thank you for the recommendation. The only thing I did not really like about the game were the missing subtitles in the cutscenes because the Manchester English is not easy to understand for someone who does not speak English natively. It reminded me much of the character from Life On Mars / Ashes To Ashes - both series I adored.
Post edited January 02, 2017 by MarkoH01
supplementscene: You should play Hector Badge Of Carnage, similar British humour in a point and click setting and the funnest game I've played. Pity there was never a sequel.
MarkoH01: Already did (a long time ago) but thank you for the recommendation. The only thing I did not really like about the game were the missing subtitles in the cutscenes because the Manchester English is not easy to understand for someone who does not speak English natively. It reminded me much of the character from Life On Mars / Ashes To Ashes - both series I adored.
Yes he's essentially Gene Hunt isn't he? And I can understand it being difficult for a none native English speaker picking up the accent, nevermind the dialect/slang. Which is probably compounded by the fact it mixes in American English.

It had loads of scope for further adventures though. But I guess it didn't sell enough.
MarkoH01: Already did (a long time ago) but thank you for the recommendation. The only thing I did not really like about the game were the missing subtitles in the cutscenes because the Manchester English is not easy to understand for someone who does not speak English natively. It reminded me much of the character from Life On Mars / Ashes To Ashes - both series I adored.
supplementscene: Yes he's essentially Gene Hunt isn't he? And I can understand it being difficult for a none native English speaker picking up the accent, nevermind the dialect/slang. Which is probably compounded by the fact it mixes in American English.

It had loads of scope for further adventures though. But I guess it didn't sell enough.
Exactly Gene Hunt, that was the one I meant. And yes, it was nearly impossible for me to understand the dialect in the series but still I refused to watch a dubbed German version (yes, there acually IS one - at least from Lif On Mars) because imo the dialect is part of the atmosphere and it is just fitting. It was not THAT difficutl for me to understand Hector but still some of the cutscenes ... I am glad someone at the Telltale forums did make a transcript for them even though I already had finishged the game at that point.

BTW: This is my desktop background :)
Post edited January 02, 2017 by MarkoH01
low rated
Lucius_Malfoy: Can I request Insurgency, Lethal League and War of the Roses: Kingmaker please?
zeogold: Granted as well.
Thanks Zeo! And thanks to VVhiteVVolf, anonymous donor and Erich_Zann for the keys!
Post edited July 02, 2017 by GandalftheCool
JunglePredator: Final Fantasy X is still one of the best RPGs around. Pretty much as awesome as all other FFs before it. Unfortunately, it was the last "true" FF, FFXI being a decent spin-off. Everything after that was most unworthy of the FF name. Can you believe they even went and made a %&@!# abomination of a game and tried to sell it as a sequel to FFX? A sequel! To a FF! The nerve! And then they went as far as to bundle FFX and said abomination together for the HD remaster. Of course, I wouldn't touch that with a ten-foot pole, and would rather advise all of you to get the original PS2 release off eBay or whatever. So that's all I had to say on this matter. May the blessings of Sakaguchi fall on all of us. Also, this is something I totally did say myself, eh?
Fixed that for you.
low rated
Hi there,

like i've said before, i'm solely interested in Men of War. If you could grant me the key for it, i would be very happy.

Thanks in advance.
low rated
Kaesemeister: Hi there,

like i've said before, i'm solely interested in Men of War. If you could grant me the key for it, i would be very happy.

Thanks in advance.
Another one incoming.
Chandoraa: Fixed that for you.

You know lots of Final Fantasy games have had squeals now hey? Like.... 5.
Chandoraa: Fixed that for you.
JunglePredator: Umm...

You know lots of Final Fantasy games have had squeals now hey? Like.... 5.
Well, I must admit I didn't know about that one. Looks more like a spin-off than a sequel. I just might check it out some time. But as far as I'm concerned, I stand by my previous statement (i mean your previous statement) that nothing that was produced after the departure of our lord and saviour Sakaguchi-sama is worth existing.
If anyone has a spare WWE 2k16 from HB and care to spare it with me it will be very nice :P