omega64: Considering there are way too many games currently up for grabs...
There can never be too many free games to give away amongst friends :)
Saying that, there are some real beauties here that people should grab. In particular;
GalCiv 2: This has a metascore of 92 for good reason!
Bionic Dues: Was free recently, but it's still a very good game that I had a lot of fun with. Anyone that liked Front Mission 3 should definitely give this a go. If Arcen would have added to this as they originally planned, it would have been a classic
Endless Space: A superb game that you can lose yourself in for months, although it stopped working for me when I switched to Win10.
Hatoful Boyfriend: Quirky and hilarious, why hasn't this been claimed?
Mosby's Confederacy: I think many reviews of this are unfair - it's a niche title but a good one.
Weird Worlds: a fun game to play when you don't have much time, although some of the mechanics are questionable it's worth the effort it takes to learn its finer points.
Go get 'em!