Posted June 03, 2020

New User
Registered: Apr 2017
From United States

April Ryan
Registered: Nov 2014
From United States
Posted June 03, 2020
high rated

I read a few previous posts to find out what interesting others hunted and I came across the mention that we can only ask for one daggered game per update round (which I obviously forgot), so I corrected my request.
May I make my request for Non-Daggered game, it is "Overlord", and t̶w̶o̶ one Daggered G̶̶a̶̶m̶̶e̶̶s̶̶ Game, it is "Brutal Legend" a̶n̶d̶ ̶"̶D̶i̶R̶T̶ ̶R̶a̶l̶l̶y̶"̶?


Someone else might have gotten it wrong
Registered: Apr 2016
From Pakistan
Posted June 03, 2020
Thank you Finkleroy and Damon18 for Metal Slug X.

New User
Registered: Apr 2017
From United States
Posted June 03, 2020
Thank you Falci and LordMarlock for the donations and many thanks to finkleroy, as always!

🔴I'm just glad that cows don't fly YO
Registered: Dec 2017
From Portugal

Friendship is magic. Magic is Heresy!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Brazil

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From Belgium

Registered: Jul 2012
From Portugal

Gilius, dwarven pirate-druid, ship mast staff
Registered: Nov 2016
From France
Posted June 03, 2020
I want to thank chiamamiaquila for Far Cry 3.

I'm not a duck
Registered: Dec 2017
From United States
Posted June 03, 2020
Thank you very much to surfer1260 and finkleroy for Danmantion. I appreciate it!

Not-So-New User
Registered: Feb 2011
From Singapore

Registered: Jul 2012
From Portugal

April Ryan
Registered: Nov 2014
From United States
Posted June 03, 2020
high rated
The chaos and confusion that surrounded the most recent update has led me to edit two rules and add a new one. They're listed below and are effective immediately. The first post in this thread would have exceeded the character limit, so the first post now only includes the rules, and the second post now includes all the other important information and links.
6. Nominating other members is allowed and encouraged. The nomination will only be accepted if the nominee falls within the terms of this giveaway. If a key is granted to a nominee, it will count toward their monthly limit. You are limited to making one nomination per update round and two total nominations per month. If the nomination is declined by the nominee or by me because it would exceed their monthly limit, it will still count toward your limit, so please check Damon18's spreadsheet to ensure that the nomination would not exceed their monthly limit, and if you have the ability to see what games are in their library, please ensure that they do not already have the game. All posts that include a request or nomination will automatically be declined if they have been edited for any reason, even if it's because the GOG forum merged two of your posts.
15. Please refrain from editing a post that includes a request. Please carefully consider what you want to request before you request it. If you need to change your request, please immediately edit your first post to remove the request, then wait until at least 10 minutes after you made your original post, then make a new request in a new post. If you post before 10 minutes have passed, the forum will automatically merge the two posts, which will result in an edited post. All posts that include a request or nomination will automatically be declined if they have been edited for any reason, even if it's because the GOG forum merged two of your posts.
18. Please note that there is a section in the spreadsheets which lists notes which are important to the individual key or to the game being offered. This includes information regarding where the key can or cannot be redeemed, where the game cannot be installed and played, how to redeem the key, if the game requires a VR headset, etc. In the main list, these notes are located in column F. In updates, these notes are located in column E. All games which have notes now have a black background with white text. If you might be considering requesting one of these games, please read its notes before requesting it.
15. Please refrain from editing a post that includes a request. Please carefully consider what you want to request before you request it. If you need to change your request, please immediately edit your first post to remove the request, then wait until at least 10 minutes after you made your original post, then make a new request in a new post. If you post before 10 minutes have passed, the forum will automatically merge the two posts, which will result in an edited post. All posts that include a request or nomination will automatically be declined if they have been edited for any reason, even if it's because the GOG forum merged two of your posts.
18. Please note that there is a section in the spreadsheets which lists notes which are important to the individual key or to the game being offered. This includes information regarding where the key can or cannot be redeemed, where the game cannot be installed and played, how to redeem the key, if the game requires a VR headset, etc. In the main list, these notes are located in column F. In updates, these notes are located in column E. All games which have notes now have a black background with white text. If you might be considering requesting one of these games, please read its notes before requesting it.

April Ryan
Registered: Nov 2014
From United States
Posted June 04, 2020
Time for round 2! Everyone is allowed one non-daggered game and one daggered game per update round! Please keep in mind that ALL keys you are granted during June count toward the monthly limit of 3 non-daggered keys + 5 daggered keys. Click here to view the update:

New User
Registered: Jun 2018
From Other
Posted June 04, 2020
May I request METAL SLUG 3?