Ray_Ayujaksha: Hi , new here. So, do i just ask for a key or are there any limitations?
If not , i would like to ask for the adventure oals please.
As per Fink's reply, you need to participate on the forums(post in threads and become part of the community for a bit) and soon enough you'll be eligible.
Then when you think you might be, you can try again(by picking a game from the linked lists fink/OP posted near the start of the thread, or from the linked lists he sometimes posts every so often with updates of games added).
Limits(when you're eligible) are 3 games from the main(non-daggered) list total per month, and 5 daggered games(those marked as such in the lists) total per month, and also in the updates(the new games lists added) there is a limit of 1 non-daggered and 1 daggered game total per update(which counts towards one's monthly overall totals).
Hope the above helps and welcome to the forums. :)