Kelefane: oops my bad. It's February 1 where I am lol. Throw Niche in too and send them my way when it's February your time assuming they are still available :)
The reason I make everyone wait until it's February in my time zone is because if I let everyone's month begin in their own time zone, it would give an unfair advantage to people who live in the easternmost time zones. The reason I make everyone wait until exactly midnight is because if someone knew about when the month officially begins for the giveaways and waits until right at midnight to request a game they really want, and someone who doesn't know about when the month officially begins for the giveaways were to request it before them, the person who was following the rules would be cheated out of the game they wanted. All the time zone information you need is contained in rule #7 in the first post of this thread. Pre-requesting is not allowed, but your most recent post was made after the new month officially began for the giveaways, so I'll grant your requests.
drxenija: Requesting Endorlight from daggered list