SkelettalAngel: Thank you Korotan for Duck Game and thank you fink for letting me know i wasnt aware of my limit. I'll be sure to check next time! =)
SkelettalAngel: thank you Doc0075 and Korotan for Satellite Reign games my friend and i are gonna be daybreaking on this game lmao
RonianAT: Thanks Korotan for Crawl and MagiCat!!! :)
Your welcome! Have fun!
Ray_Ayujaksha: Hi
New here, can some one explain how this works
If you have shown, that you are not here to grab free games, you can ask if there is not an update round to get up to three non daggered and five daggered games on the list on the frond page. If there is an update round you can from those only request one game of daggered and non daggered. To prove you are not here to leech, you either be active in foren or do it like me, gift games for giveaway you do not need.