ashwald: May I have the Misadventures of Laura Silver: Chapter I?
CervelloYM: May I request LEGO Batman: The Videogame and daggered The Flame in the Flood?
triock: I'd like X-Morph: Defense, please. Thank you.
Microfish_1: In that case, I'd like to request
Battlevoid Harbinger, please.
Damon18: If it's possible I'd like to request Kingdom: New Lands
Kelefane: can i grab Unexplored?
Dogmaus: Silly me! I have forgotten that! I have been a greedy piggy and wanted to pig out on all that beauty. I apologize to everyone for creating this inconvenience!
I would like to take non daggered Evergarden and the daggered Flame in the FLood off my wishlist then, if possible.
You were beaten to the Flame in the Flood, but your request for Evergarden is granted.
Sentinel26: I would like Ticket to Ride. Thanks!