Pouyou-pouyou: Thanks to
PMPMGamer for the Men of War & Magicka DLC.
JakobFel: Thanks yet again to PMPMGamer and finkleroy for Warlock: Master of the Arcane and Galactic Civilizations I! Really, I can't get enough of the 4X genre and now I officially have all of the Galactic Civilizations games (though I still want to get all of them on GOG sometime), so thanks!
LootHunter: Thank you and PMPMGamer for the game. I had Harvey's New Eyes for some time but not the original.
tag+: Many thanks to
PMPMGamer for Europa Universalis III Complete + Divine Wind + Heir to the Throne
and to our ga host
finkleroy cardangrille: Thank you finkleroy and to PMPMGamer for cloudphobia and Hacker Evolution Duality!
DellJennin667: Thanks as always to finkleroy and to PMPMGamer
DoryaMish7: A huge thanks to Damon18 and PMPMGamer for the donations and to finkleroy for his unbelievable dedication to the cause
finkleroy: Granted.
RonianAUT: Thank you PMPMGamer
whiteflame199: tq finkleroy for hosting and PMPMGamer for Rise of Flight: Legendary Bombers (DLC)
Mortius1: Thank you once again to PMPMGamer and finkleroy!
finkleroy: Granted.
I'm afraid you were beaten to both of them.
Melinho85: Thanks Finkleroy and PMPMGamer
kusumahendra: Thank you PMPMGamer for donating About Love, Hate and the other ones
I love the dev's previous game so I'm looking forward to this
And finkleroy, thank you for your hard work managing this giveaway
zaMNal: Thank you PMPMGamer and finkleroy for yet more games!
You're very welcome, enjoy with games! :)