Requests, at least the one who managed to call dibs first, only missing my own request for Dear Esther, since I can't quote it.
Makotolia: May I request
Septerra Core and
Lawless Lands? Take your time to rest and recover though, no hurry :)
LootHunter: I would like to request
Dungeon of Endless and
Syberia II (daggered).
zlaywal: Just want to ask for One Finger Death Punch for now. Thanks.
Zadalon: Get well soon zeogold. Soups and games are the best medicine.
Could I have Operation Flashpoint : Red River?
kusumahendra: I'd like to request Megabyte Punch please. Thank you
gixgox: Bummer - I slept too long, now Everything is already gone.
But it seems that the daggered
The Plague is still there. I'm not afraid of it, I'm vaccinated.
I hope Zeo is vaccinated against the flu too and he only caught a nasty cold.
Get better soon, friend.
ofthenexus: May I request Starseed Pilgrim, Titan Attacks! and Twisted Lands Trilogy?
Also The 39 Steps (daggered)?
jimrh69: May I ask for
Face Noir and
>observer_ and
Supreme League of Patriots Please :) Have an awesome day Everyone!! And get well Zeo
bler144: I was going to ask for 'Forward to the Sky' but apparently I bought it at Christmas. Excited to play that with the kid someday soon.
Anyway, if no one else has, I'll ask for the daggered:
PSYCHONAUTS finkleroy: I wasn't offended at all, but you brought up a good point that I thought needed to be addressed.
bler144: It's worth being thoughtful about the balance. Similar to tomy's point, I don't think we're at the point where we need a 'rule' for it in this particular GA.
Just continue to be thoughtful about how much of an extra edge you have vs. how you utilize it ;)
pferreira1983: Hi,
Please could I request Chaos Control if possible?
cardangrille: Hey, get better soon, zeo. Looks like everyone's getting colds, I just got over one myself a few days ago.
And when you can get to it, I'd like to ask for Treadnauts, Arcane Golf and Preventive Strike if possible
OHMYGODJCABOMB: Take a rest and get well soon, Zeo!
I would like to ask for Cognition, Crawl and DESYNC.
AerynSun1701: I would like to ask for Deponia: The Complete Jurney (Daggered).
An i hope you will get better soon zeo. :)
kmonster: I'm interested in Fancy Skulls, Spirits, REVOLVER360 RE:ACTOR and from the daggered games Royal Defense and Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball.
bjgamer: May I request
Crowntakers please, if still available.
I hope you feel better soon zeo, and that it is just a bad cold and not the flu. In the meantime, Rx for chicken soup with basil and chilis, lots of rest and some fun time with a game of your choice. :)
51nikopol: I would like to request Faces of Illusion:The Twin Phantoms.
I hope you feel better soon zeo and thanks to you and finkleroy for keeping this going.
finkleroy: For the record, this happens because I turned down zeo's offer of asking the donors if it would be all right for me to take their donation for myself. This way it's in public, so it's way more awkward, but at least it counts towards my total monthly limit, which I promise not to abuse, and nothing is done behind closed doors.
A.Ryan: That explain a lot xD, but maybe u feel ofensed for my words, and its not my point, you are a big donor on this forum and you should take whatever u want here, Sorry if i dont explain myself correctly pal!
ps: Oh and if i can and still available i wanna add "Headleander" to my request for this month :)
finkleroy: I'd like to request Q.U.B.E. 2, >observer_ and HIVESWAP: Act 1 and nominate kmcoolice for Syberia II(†).
Pouyou-pouyou: I'd like to request >observer and Tyranny for this month. Thank you.
NickZah: May I have Dead Island Definitive Edition?
AB2012: May I ask for the other QUBE 2 and Shadwen, please? (And get well soon! People are dropping like flies at work with the flu at the moment).
PMPMGamer: I'd like to request DiRT Rally, PAYDAY 2 and Teslagrad.
A.Ryan: Another great update! sad observer is already gone :( Finkleroy beat us again xD,
Well can i ask for:
Rapture Rejects + DLC
And i wanna nominate Cecil for "Hover".
Thanks a lot for sharing like always!
erbello: Hello, I hope you will feel better soon Zeo :)
May I ask for Homeworld Remastered Collection?
Best wishes :)
finkleroy: For the record, this happens because I turned down zeo's offer of asking the donors if it would be all right for me to take their donation for myself. This way it's in public, so it's way more awkward, but at least it counts towards my total monthly limit, which I promise not to abuse, and nothing is done behind closed doors.
A.Ryan: That explain a lot xD, but maybe u feel ofensed for my words, and its not my point, you are a big donor on this forum and you should take whatever u want here, Sorry if i dont explain myself correctly pal!
ps: Oh and if i can and still available i wanna add "Headleander" to my request for this month :)
TheDudeLebowski: I'd like
Duke Grabowski, Mighty Swashbuckler Normality please :)
triock: Is Shadow Tactics still available? If yes, I'd like to request it, loved demo version. Thanks.
edit: guess I'm too late. :/
zejango: May I have Dead Island Definitive Edition because the user who asked seems to be a country where a key is not redeemed.
And may I have Tom Clancy's The Divison (Uplay) and
Daggered Games:
The Division Survival Expansion DLC
Outlast: Whistleblower DLC