supplementscene: @Zeo could I also get the daggered Lego Lord of the Rings. I must have missed that GA, was it on Humble? I got the Hobbit version.
triock: I'd like to request Distrust please. Thank you.
muntdefems: Dear Sir Mr. Zeogold Esq., I'd like to graciously ask for Planetary Annihilation: TITANS and Squidlit, in case they are not already taken, which I do not believe they are.
tiredliger: Hi zeogold, may I ask for Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae after MGS:TPP was taken please? I checked twice this time round. I think it's time to go to my optician again
direspirefirewire: Putting in a request for Ironclad Tactics and The Confines of the Crown.
ZinkShecoat: Could I snag Sheltered, Vermintide, and Talisman. As well as the daggered game Pathfinder Adventure.
te_lanus: could I ask for SONIC ADVENTURE 2: BATTLE and Etherlords I & II?
MarkoH01: I would like to request Cloudbuilt if it is still available.
ofthenexus: May I request Major Mayhem, Tick's Tales, Dino Run, and daggered game The Culling of the Cows please?
Pouyou-pouyou: I'd like to request Warlock of Firetop Mountain, please. Thank you.
Flashfire42: If I could please request Sweet Girl Adventure to add to my collection of games removed from steam.
greeklover: Can I have Pathfinder Kingmaker Explorer Edition?
kmonster: I'm interested in Sora, Japanese School Life, Toby: The Secret Mine and from the daggered games Crystal Cosmos and Spheroids
All granted.
misteryo: Could I have sheltered, please? Thanks!
Got beaten to it, sorry.