tomyam80: P.S: I do notice quite a few non-newbies requesting 4 games that either some1 earlier has already requested, seems either they didn't read the earlier posts & just go ahead request or maybe missed them. I wonder if perhaps this has anything do with the new system whereby the games r listed in Goggle Docs or something else...
finkleroy: If anything, the new Google sheets should prevent this as much as possible because zeo deletes games from the list after he grants them. The way he used to do it, he wouldn't edit his update post to remove games when he granted them. People need to learn to refresh the thread, and then hit CTRL+F to search for the games they want in order to see if they've already been requested. It's extremely easy and less time consuming than reading every post.
That's a gd idea, using CTRL+F 2 search instead of going thru every post. Hopefully, such instances wld reduce although i dun think it wld fully eliminate them.
Edit: On a side note, I think I shall just request 4 a couple of less popular games as they contain soundtracks which i'm more of a sucker 4. Lol.
So if i may, i wld like 2 request 4:
Expand - Soundtrack Edition,
Memoria (Non-daggered) & it's soundtrack (Daggered)
Thks 4 considering my request. :)