Lone_Scout: Greetings!
Could I please ask for Kona?
Pouyou-pouyou: If the limit is 3 games per month, I'd like to ask for Middle Earth - Shadow of Mordor. Thank you.
MaxFulvus: May I ask for Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number and Batman Arkham Origins please ?
Zadalon: Could I have 7 days to die please?
AWG43: I'd like to get Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Game of the Year Edition. Thanks.
supplementscene: Nice update, may I have Sudden Strike 4, Kona and Hard Reset Redux? Thanks Zeo
Makotolia: May I have
The Count Lucanor + Soundtrack? I like its art style, but not so sure about its horror tag...anyone knows about this game? Does it cause nightmare or something or is it just Limbo-ish terrifying?
direspirefirewire: May I request for Pale Echoes and Beholder please?
Asbeau: Could I grab one of those copies of Burly Men at Sea, please?
triock: I'm interested in Pathologic, if it's still available. Thank you.
PMPMGamer: May I request for Unbox: Newbie's Adventure, please?
tokisto: A lot of "work" lately zeo, huh? :)
I'd like to request BLACKHOLE. Thanks pal
tomyam80: Hi, I would like 2 request 4 Sniper Elite if it's still available fr the update. Got the installment but i would prefer 2 play the 1st in the series 1st, haha.
SkelettalAngel: may i ask for Hard Reset Redux?
Rosalumina: Scribblenauts Unlimited please?
bler144: Apparently no one has asked for it despite all the chatter about it -
I'd like to ask for Bastion, please. Braggadar: With November nearing end, I would like to request:
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood
Braggadar: And I would also like to request:
Sanctum 2 (daggered)
Makotolia: Sorry but, may I also request
Mini Ghost if it's still available?
Korotan: I would like to claim for Crusader Kings 2 if it is still available.
Punington: If Lumino City is still available, could it be sent to Puningtontown? Thx!
LordMarlock: May I request Panzer Corps: Allied Corps (DLC) please?
gvyop: I'm interresred in Shelter if still available
All granted.
SpartanSloth: Hi, Zeo! Apparently there are two keys for Hard Reset, so if the second one hasn't been claimed yet, may I get it, please?
DrLeatherface: oh and while I'm here, just spotted 7 days to die is up for grabs. May I please request that game? Been stuck playing the PS4 version which they never bother to update lol
misteryo: Could I have 7 Days To Die, please?
(I haven't abandoned you yet, Zeo.)
Too late, sorry.