CervelloYM: Well, I'd surely sad to see an active donor to our community got his request missed.
But I do understand it's late at night at zeo timezone, so I try to be a good giftee and put reminder.
After all, I've just got a great game from Damon18, and another great game from him back in March.
PMPMGamer: Excuse me zeo, I think you missed Damon18 request.
And I think zeo missed Kelefane request too
Aramandur: I've taken the liberty of fixing it.
Wow guys! Thank you!
I always thought this was a great community!
For sure is not Zeo fault!
Fault... what a bad word to use in this case!
It can happen managing such massive work!
And maybe I could have chosen a better moment to raise my request since I can perfectly understand it could have been lost in the middle of the dozens of greetings!
But not big issue for 2 reasons:
1) Ehy, it's a giveaway in the end! So nothing is due!
2) ..and thanks to the generosity of the community, I got the game :)
So big thank you to you guys for caring!
Big thank you to Aramandur for donating me the key for Satellite Reign (so please Zeo, consider my request fulfilled)
Big thank you to Zeo and the guys behind this thread for raising such a great community!