Makotolia: May I request
Knights and Merchants HD(daggered) and
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy?
gixgox: Now I found a non-daggered key:
The Revenge of Johnny Bonasera: Episode 2 Some pointing and clicking would be nice.... and there are nasty aliens...
AWG43: I would like to ask for Overfall. The game looks very funny. And by the way, thanks to
bler144 for the recommendation.
edit: In addition, I'd also like to request Rebel Galaxy, unless someone else wants to ask for this game.
tropit9: may i ask fo murdered: soul suspect if this one had not have been taken yet?
supplementscene: Could I please have Murdered Soul Suspect Zeo and the daggered Aveyond 3-2: Gates of Night? Thank You
arsalan12: So may I request The Walking Dead season 1?
TheMonkofDestiny: Requesting Bubsy and Okhlos, unless someone's in line for either.
Pouyou-pouyou: I'd like to ask for Il-2 Sturmovik : 1946 and Deponia - The Complete Journey.
ZinkShecoat: If nobody has asked for it yet, I'd like Darksiders II: Deathinitive.
skeletonbow: Hey Zeo, could I have
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2: World Hunter Pack (DLC), one of the DLCs I'm missing for SGW2.
adaliabooks: Can I request Swords and Soldiers 2 for the Wii U?
Impaler26: Can i ask for
Gloom ?
direspirefirewire: May i ask for Oxenfree? It says it's a daggered game :O but why?!
blastradius: Zeogold, could I request Comedy Night, Helping Hand and Repentant?
Braggadar: Homefront
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
tokisto: I'd like to request GemCraft and 12 is better than 6
Leroux: If there's still a key left, I would gladly offer a new home to Spirits of Xanadu. :)
innerring: May I have The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day?
CervelloYM: So for nostalgia's sake may I have Hostage: Rescue Mission please?
ofthenexus: May I have The I of the Dragon and Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals?
All granted.