Big thanks to Bler for keeping track with the list!
Pouyou-pouyou: Just in time for the movie !
I'd like to ask for Homeworld Remastered, Civilization VI and Sniper Ghost Warrior Trilogy, pretty please. ^^
cardangrille: Nice offerings! Could I ask for Cefore, Deadbeat Heroes and Octahedron: Transfixed Edition?
blastradius: I would love to have Stellaris and Creature Romances: Kokonoe Kokoro if possible, and from the daggered list, Sunrider Liberation Day Theme Song please?
LynXsh: oh! may I ask for Highway Blossoms?
ADD: and for both Sunrider Academy and Sunrider: Liberation Day?
Microfish_1: May i have Gloria Victis please?
LootHunter: I would like to request Double Dragon Trilogy and Raptor: Call of the Shadows.
Microfish_1: Also, may i please have the daggered Panzer Corps Allied Corps DLC?
Edit: and the other copy of Sunrider Liberation Day- Captain Edition?
RickyAndersen: May I request for
Project Highrise and
Sleeping Dogs, please?
NickZah: May i have Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor?
kusumahendra: ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West
Braggadar: May I request Goat Simulator?
Zadalon: May I ask for Plague Inc: Evolved?
Makotolia: May I ask for
Finding Paradise and
Rune Classic?
AWG43: May I have Fight'N Rage please?
supplementscene: Hey Zeo, could I please request
GT Legends, Old Man's Journey and hopefully I can complete the Journey Down by requestion
The Journey Down: Chapter Three ,
zlaywal: I'd like to ask for Gemcraft and Lichdom: Battlemage please.
triock: I'd like to ask for Do Not Feed the Monkeys, Monster Prom and Sunrider: Liberation Day - Theme Song DLC (daggered) if they are still available, please and thank you.
fronzelneekburm: I'd like to request Cat on a Diet. Way too few cat-related games in my library...
If possible, I'd also like to request the two Tolkien LEGO games (LEGO The Hobbit and LEGO Lord of the Rings). Thanks!
Damon18: May I request the LEGO title
LEGO The Hobbit
if there is any other spare copy?
Lone_Scout: Hi! I'm afraid I came too late to the party, but I'll try my luck and ask anyway for Lichdom: Battlemage, Mercenary Kings, Raptor: Call of the Shadows 2015 and I am not a Monster (†).
gvyop: May I request Dungeons 3 , A New Beginning - Final Cut and Heroes of Annihilated Empires and...
OHMYGODJCABOMB: I'd like to ask for The Bard's Tale and Next Up Hero.
PMPMGamer: May I request for Cally's Caves 4, SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition and Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones, please?
aRealCyborg: Can i have Grav, Out There somewhere, and Robocraft master bundle (early access)
ashwald: May I have Figment and Serial Cleaner?
Casval_Deikun: May I have
Sunrider Academy and
Sunrider: Liberation Day?
gixgox: Okay, I accept my fate that I'll never join the Old Man's Journey to Stellaris.
But is it possible that I can party
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location?
I Promise that I'll
Not Feed the Monkeys.
A.Ryan: Awww, update meanwhile sleeping time... nothing interesting left except Goetia, can i have it pls?
CervelloYM: I'd like to request
Grim Legends 3: The Dark City and
Just Deserts if I may.
Thank you.
Dogmaus: I'd like to ask for Back to Bed and Just Dash keys as 2nd and 3rd non-daggered games this month, please :)
And also Grid 2 as a daggered game if there is a key left.
Qwertw: Iìd like to request Haegemonia. Crusader Kings 2 and the daggered Age of Wonders 3
KoreaBeat: Hi zeo, could I have the following?
Bleed 2
The Detail Season One
and daggered:
Crusaders of the Lost Idols - Jeweled Chest (DLC)
Crusaders of the Lost Idols - Epic Starter Pack
Vanguard Princess Hilda Rize (DLC)
Vanguard Princess Lilith (DLC)
Kelefane: May I request LifeZ - Survival and Gorky 17?
Braggadar: May I also request a daggered Satellite Reign key for a friend?
DrLeatherface: I'll happily take a copy of I am not a monster from the daggered list if one is still available?
comradegarry: If nobody has asked can I have "Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy" please?
All granted.
misteryo: Homeworld Remastered, please?
Beaten to it, sorry.