Pouyou-pouyou: Thanks to
Impaler26 for Shadowrun - Hong-Kong
BeatriceElysia for Tooth & Tail
Flashfire42 for Cultist Simulator
zeogold !
Have fun everyone !
Have fun, you too.
A.Ryan: A huge THANKS to:
Greyhat for Among the sleep
BeatriceElysia for Slain Back from hell
Rosalumina for The First Tree
Zeo and all the people who's working in this amazing thread.
Thanks guys, i got 3 amazing whislisted games, u make my month!
You're welcome!
zlaywal: I got a long list of person to thank for. First and foremost
Zeogold for his time and sidekick
finkleroy Keys comes from:
Burnout Paradise (steam) -
Wheldrake (my old PC can't handle it at the time)
Tangledeep + OST -
BeatriceElysia &
Finkleroy (very interested in this title when the bundle announce)
Kingdom Rush & 4 Anomaly keys -
Damon18 (tower defense FTW)
cardangrille: Thanks are in order to MadyNora for kuso, finkleroy for Invisigun Heroes and BeatriceElysia for Absolver, thank you all for this! And of course, can't forget zeo for keeping this going for all of us.
Have fun!