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Requesting Fenimore Fillmore: 3 Skulls of the Toltecs please.
I'm interested in Fenimore Fillmore: 3 Skulls of the Toltecs.
high rated
51nikopol: Requesting Fenimore Fillmore: 3 Skulls of the Toltecs please.
kmonster: I'm interested in Fenimore Fillmore: 3 Skulls of the Toltecs.
I'm afraid you were beaten to it.
May I ask for Adventures of Chris
Could I ask for Bite the Bullets?
I'm nowhere near active enough anymore to request anything here (I have to work on changing that, but IRL things always get in the way), but I just thought I'd say I really appreciate you for STILL doing this after all this time, finkleroy. Good on you!

So thank you very much for keeping this thing going, and thanks to all the great donors who selflessly give games away on this here forum. You guys are the true MVPs.

Oh, and I see Blasphemous is up for grabs. It's an AMAZING game if you give it a chance. Didn't grab me to begin with, but gosh darn it's beautiful, and well designed. Combat grows on you after a while, and it just ends up being a fantastic experience, so I hope the lucky someone ends up enjoying it as much as I did.
Thanks to the very generous Doc0075 for Fenimore Fillmore: 3 Skulls of Toltecs, much appreciated. Thanks to finkleroy for keeping this and the other giveaway going.
May I request Blasphemous, if it is still up for grabs?
high rated
trexxxxy: May I ask for Adventures of Chris
Enebias: Could I ask for Bite the Bullets?
matterbandit: May I request Blasphemous, if it is still up for grabs?
clisair: May I have the Heretic + Hexen Collection

:( Sorry, didn't see that someone had already asked for this
As I hinted in my last reply to you here, I have another copy of the above game(I donated the other one that you missed out on) if you want just need to reply to my PM and say there that you want it. :)

(i've been trying to reach you via PM for over 2 days, but you haven't replied back, so i'm replying here once more so you know to check your PMs)
Thx Doc0075 for donating Blasphemous to this giveaway! As always, your work here is much appreciated, finkleroy. :)

Jinxtah: Oh, and I see Blasphemous is up for grabs. It's an AMAZING game if you give it a chance.
It was thanks to your post I was made aware that Blasphemous was up for grabs! LOL! Your positive feedback on this game nudged me to post my request. ;)
Post edited February 22, 2021 by matterbandit
Can I have Freedom Planet?
high rated
DoggosaurusRx: Can I have Freedom Planet?
Thank you Doc00751 and finkleroy for the game!
May I have Horace? Thank you :)