Posted April 10, 2020

New User
Registered: Apr 2016
From United States

New User
Registered: Apr 2020
From Canada
Posted April 14, 2020
low rated
well, this is alot to take in. read the first post. ill go read others so i get an understanding of what im dealing with
there are rules but they dont say how this all works
im not sure what the keys are, how to get them, how they work or how long they last
all i see is people asking for game names then a GRANTED
there are rules but they dont say how this all works
im not sure what the keys are, how to get them, how they work or how long they last
all i see is people asking for game names then a GRANTED
Post edited April 14, 2020 by crimsonkarma13

Execute order $rep_string
Registered: Jun 2015
From Other
Posted April 14, 2020

there are rules but they dont say how this all works
I mean...
The rules describe pretty much all the stuff average person should know to participate here.
So really, if you don't understand then keep reading them until you do.

there are rules but they dont say how this all works
im not sure what the keys are, how to get them, how they work or how long they last
all i see is people asking for game names then a GRANTED
Here you have list of available keys for this thread in post 2. There is not many of them so you don't get a doc like in the other thread.
If it's on the list you ask for it and if you are first and eliglible then you get it.
You do need to have option for everyone to message you on gog (this is not a default option on gog so you need to change it) for it to be possible to send them to you.
uh... ????... You get it. You activate it. And then you have it on your gog account just like if you would buy it on gog. Are you like new to digital distribution platforms or something? Because you kind of sound like a troll :S
If not noted then keys don't have activation deadline.
Also if not noted then keys once activated don't expire.
Yeah, I don't know, I see a lot of other stuff... Like people not being eliglible and such.
I suggest you read post 1 with rules again.
I hope this message at least slightly answered your questions.
Welcome to gog btw.

New User
Registered: Apr 2020
From Canada
Posted April 14, 2020

there are rules but they dont say how this all works

I mean...
The rules describe pretty much all the stuff average person should know to participate here.
So really, if you don't understand then keep reading them until you do.

there are rules but they dont say how this all works
im not sure what the keys are, how to get them, how they work or how long they last
all i see is people asking for game names then a GRANTED

Here you have list of available keys for this thread in post 2. There is not many of them so you don't get a doc like in the other thread.

You do need to have option for everyone to message you on gog (this is not a default option on gog so you need to change it) for it to be possible to send them to you.

Also if not noted then keys once activated don't expire.

I suggest you read post 1 with rules again.
I hope this message at least slightly answered your questions.
Welcome to gog btw.

Execute order $rep_string
Registered: Jun 2015
From Other
Posted April 14, 2020

What do I mean by headers - when you hit reply it prepopulates your post editor with quote. You have quote headers (top one being with number) and it's contests. Just cut entire contests and leave it empty if you are about to reply to entire message and not some small bits of it.
And as you seem to be new on this platform - it utilises reputation system (which is by the way flawed).
If you want to get it up fastly you need to be active on forums around here.
You can get 1 (if I remember correctly only 1) rep point for making a new post per day - and I don't know what the day is - I don't know when the day starts for server so don't ask me about that.
Apart from that you get points:
-if your post gets upvoted a lot (if it gets downvoted a lot you loose some of your points)
-your answer somebody's question and your answer is marked so by whoever asked the question
-possibly some other activities but since gog is super unclear about this and they don't seem to provide this essential information I completely forgot these if I even knew these
Also be careful to not provoke people to downvote you to oblivion. There are toxic people on gog forums A LOT and they may often have high reputation for some unknown reasons.
Also you should take it for granted that gog staff does not read responses to their own posts most of the time as well as they do not moderate ANYTHING down here - gog is essentially like a wild mysterious magic forest where anything can happen. You can expect absolutely everything from another post.
If you get to a new thread - READ FIRST (especially original post) - people here often DON'T and then they proceed to ask for things that already got answered - consequently pissing people off - and it happens like every over page on bigger threads.
If you make an ENTIRE post as mistake - for example you DON'T READ and ask something obvious or inappropriate - then while editing your post DO NOT replace it with like "deleted" and such - instead put a note about that you realised your mistake or something like that - that way you are less likely to get downvoted to oblivion for pissing people off.
Also beware of trolls and ultra toxic people - some of them may downvote ALL your posts in a thread if you trigger them and sometimes even ALL your posts in ALL threads if they try.
If you don't know how to use downvotes and upvotes - those are pluses and minuses next to each post (except for your - you cannot upvote or downvote your own).
I suggest you change forum settings because defaults are pretty bad.
Also gog is not steam - a lot of stuff here works in unintuitive ways and it's often a pain. So for example don't use "forum replies" tab (unless you absolutely have to) as that will only give you DIRECT RESPONSES TO YOUR POSTS on some threads and NOT responses to ANYBODY in some threads - just mark some thread as favourite and then use "all forums" tab where you will see UNSORTED seemingly random list of your favourite threads.
Hope this at least somewhat helps you with using all this stuff.

I'm not a duck
Registered: Dec 2017
From United States
Posted April 14, 2020
To quote you simply I would type without the spaces " [quote _ 3068]" (your message number as seen when you hover on the hyperlink icon next to "posted X minutes/days ago) then "snip" and "[ / quote]" (again, no spaces).
It would look like how I quoted your message.
That being said, welcome to GOG and the forums!!! I do hope that you enjoy it here!
If you are at all interested in social deduction forum games, I highly recommend that you check out and watch a game, or even sign right up for the next (especially if you are already interested in Forum Mafia). We are always glad to have new players!!
Other forum games which are fun and easy include:
Just Three Words
Word Association Game (The first post is provided with the rules, but hop right in on the last page!)
and One Word at a Time (Again, the first post is provided with the rules, but hop right in!)
It would look like how I quoted your message.
That being said, welcome to GOG and the forums!!! I do hope that you enjoy it here!
If you are at all interested in social deduction forum games, I highly recommend that you check out and watch a game, or even sign right up for the next (especially if you are already interested in Forum Mafia). We are always glad to have new players!!
Other forum games which are fun and easy include:
Just Three Words
Word Association Game (The first post is provided with the rules, but hop right in on the last page!)
and One Word at a Time (Again, the first post is provided with the rules, but hop right in!)

Execute order $rep_string
Registered: Jun 2015
From Other
Posted April 14, 2020
low rated
Oh, so that's how you make a snip? And I was wondering for like 5 years how to do that and it turns out snip was just an added word? :P :D /s
Post edited April 15, 2020 by B1tF1ghter

April Ryan
Registered: Nov 2014
From United States

Execute order $rep_string
Registered: Jun 2015
From Other
Posted April 15, 2020
low rated

Thanks for the heads up about current community moderator finkle, I will keep that in mind ;)
Also what do you mean by that exactly? Do you mean "forum moderator PERIOD" (as in official one from gog team) or "community moderator" in a sense like on steam?
Also I hope it wasn't you finkle who downvoted me :P :/ Somebody did this. I'm sure it wasn't you (yeah I really hope) but just saying.
Seriously people - newcomer showed up with the first post either on this thread or on the other thread and started asking some *cough* unexperienced *cough* questions. So I thought I would respond publicly since that newcomer STILL has not changed their communication settings to public. I thought I would explain some basics without going into insanely small details.
There is no reason to be toxic by downvoting me for being helpful to the community people.

Old user
Registered: Nov 2011
From Other

Execute order $rep_string
Registered: Jun 2015
From Other

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted April 15, 2020
Maybe GOG contacted possible people after they fired their last true (and imo capable) moderator and noticed that they might need SOME form of moderation. Then again we all know that GOG does not really care much about the forum - otherwise they would have fixed it a long time ago.
"If not noted then keys don't have activation deadline.
Also if not noted then keys once activated don't expire. "
Once activated NO key should ever expire ;)
"If not noted then keys don't have activation deadline.
Also if not noted then keys once activated don't expire. "
Once activated NO key should ever expire ;)

Old user
Registered: Nov 2011
From Other

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted April 15, 2020
Well, afaik that never happened and I am sure it also was not what B1tF1ghter wanted to say. He probably just wanted to say that keys don't expire if not noted otherwise (without the activation part).

Not so new !!!
Registered: Nov 2010
From Canada
Posted April 15, 2020
I'd like to ask for The Last Door: Collector's Edition. Thanks.