Makotolia: I guess that, in spirit, the limit of keys of community GAs should only be raised out of the need to prevent keys from expiring or rotting (should that ever happen), not out of people wanting more. And this is consistent with the daggered rule IMO.
This only happen on Bundle Keys like for example the CD Project Red Bundle where Witcher 1-3 together with CP 2077 whas available for only 80€ and on free giveaways like Tower of Time.
finkleroy: Yeeeeeeeah... I'm gonna say never here. There's a 0% chance that Half-Life 3 would be a GOG exclusive.
GameRager: Oh my bad...I misread that as just HL3(as in anywhere and being released). Yeah, that's likely not gonna happen even if it did get made and released. :)
I think the chance that one rich generous madnan would be so nice and donate 2077 Cyberpunk 2077 keys on the 7th of July would be like zero too.
*praying intensifies to awake his Haruhi Suzumiya powers*