spds100: Can I ask for terraria ?
Granted, but you'll need to either add me as a friend or change your privacy settings so you can chat with everyone before I can send you the key.
Paulo_Moura69: May I ask for The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition.
zaMNal: May I request FTL: Advanced Edition? Heard that it is a highly rated title. Thank you in advance!
aRealCyborg: I don't remember if i asked for a game this month but if i didn't could i have
Rogue Legacy?
RonianAT: - Wasteland 2 Director's Cut Digital Classic Edition (x4) (†) (Expires 12/27/19 5:59 AM PST)
Hi, I would love to get one of these keys. Missed the freebies because I got my first child a few days ago, thank you! :)