RickyAndersen: Thanks zeo, also thank you again for theslitherydeee!
Themken: Just a warning: That game feels like it is a third or a fourth of a full game. It is a lot of talking.
RickyAndersen: Thanks for the heads-up. I like the art style and yes I heard I need a lot of talking to avoid raising my weapon.
MarkoH01: Well it is the first part in a series but there also already (more or less) exists the second part.
Vote for it
RickyAndersen: Thank you for the information. VOTED!
Lone_Scout: No real need to do it. Consortium: The Tower was announced to be released on GOG (Fig Backer Dixit). The first Consortium is barely a prologue to the upcoming Consortium games, and quite unpolished. Still, it is a very good game and worth playing.
RickyAndersen: The votes give more assurance for GOG to release it here. :)
Votes show support from our community, even if the game is almost confirmed to be released here, so they're always good.
I've just remembered I added that wish myself during the game crowdfunding campaign, as a way to give it some visibility... :)