Lone_Scout: These gifts (base game+DLCs) are probably bundled under a single code, so if you pick one already having the base game, part of the code is wasted. I don't think the code could be redeemed a second time to get the remainders. So they probably should be asked only by people who don't already own any part of the game. But I'm not sure if this is the case, or how it works.
It's a pity, because that Eternal Lords DLC had been haunting me for a long time...
You can select individual games off a code, as far as I know plenty of times codes with multiple games were donated and giftees were asked to just take their game and leave the rest. See rule 9 for that matter. Just know of one case when someone accidentally took all and seemed like it was by mistake, and he tried to make up for it after.
So in case of AoW I'd consider the current situation as Lexor getting the DLCs and Geralt_of_Rivia being asked whether just the base game will be ok, and if not that question moving to phaolo.
However, also know that donors can specifically ask for multiple titles (usually this case of base + DLC but maybe not only) to be gifted to a single recipient, and if that applies here I'm guessing Lexor will be uneligible for that and Geralt will count as first ask.