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misteryo: I'm asking for King Arthur II: The Role-Playing Wargame + Dead Legions

You were beaten to it though.
misteryo: I'm asking for King Arthur II: The Role-Playing Wargame + Dead Legions

Cavalary: You were beaten to it though.
Thanks. I go blind sometimes trying to comb backward through this thread. I don't know how Zeo does it.
Can I have King Arthur II: The Role-Playing Wargame + Dead Legions please?
RogueXanter: Can I have King Arthur II: The Role-Playing Wargame + Dead Legions please?
You're too late for that I'm afraid.
RogueXanter: Can I have King Arthur II: The Role-Playing Wargame + Dead Legions please?
theslitherydeee: You're too late for that I'm afraid.
NP I'm honestly surprised that this hasn't happened to me before in the giveaway.
Can I request Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition?
May i have Disciples 2 Gold if it's still available?
Requesting Samorost 3, assuming I qualify to do so.
I wouldn't mind to play Hammerwatch, if nobody else asked for it yet.
Would ask for the Settlers 3 OR King Arthur 1, if settlers is already taken.
(if I didnt read it wrong - there is a rule against multiple games per month, NOT against asking for one of few)
Post edited September 07, 2018 by Gekko_Dekko
Gekko_Dekko: Would ask for the Settlers 3 OR King Arthur 1, if settlers is already taken.
(if I didnt read it wrong - there is a rule against multiple games per month, NOT against asking for one of few)
You did not read it wrong. Settlers 3 should still be available as it was posted only 5 hours ago and not requested before. I believe the King Arthur Collection was requested 4 days ago.
I recommend both Serious Sam games. They are great (even if I prefer the Second Encounter over the First)!

I played the whole Second Encounter in Serious difficulty in LAN with a friend, in one seat. Just awesome.
Post edited September 07, 2018 by Enebias
May i have Serious Sam: The First Encounter if it's still available?
high rated
DyNaer: King Arthur II: The Role-Playing Wargame + Dead Legions
FireDrakeZ: I would like to request King Arthur Collection please if still available.
erbello: May I ask about "The Penumbra Collection"?
Point_Man: May i have Disciples 2 Gold if it's still available?
TheMonkofDestiny: Requesting Samorost 3, assuming I qualify to do so.
Enebias: I wouldn't mind to play Hammerwatch, if nobody else asked for it yet.
Gekko_Dekko: Would ask for the Settlers 3
PMPMGamer: May i have Serious Sam: The First Encounter if it's still available?
All granted.

Shadurak: Can I request Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition?
I'm afraid you don't really qualify for this giveaway. Hang around the forum a while then come back after you're a bit more well-known.
Denied due to lack of participation.

tastymonkey: The Witcher 3 would be nifty.
I mean, you're not wrong. It would be.

Cavalary: Was thinking it may even be an idea to wait till after the sale to put new stuff, maybe excepting any multiple copies of one game that may exist, which could be posted one by one, spread it out a bit.
Shhh! Shhhhhhh! No spoilers on my methods!
I work by a strict system which is, in the cleverness of its design, so random that even I have no idea what's going on.
Hi zeo,
May I have Neverwinter Nights Diamond (†) & WARSOW (†) please?