Enebias: May I ask for Hector: Badge of Carnage?
I'm really curious to see what it is about. And I love dark humor.
misteryo: Could I ask for Testament of Sherlock Holmes, please?
zeogold: Flashfire42: If it is not to much bother zeogold I would like to give POSTAL: Classic and Uncut a go. Considering it was banned in Australia i think it would be a fun game to give a go.
zeogold: All granted.
Kanashe: Hmmm...If Icewind Dale Complete is still available, I wouldn't mind one.
zeogold: You seem new to the forum, as if this is one of your first posts. This giveaway is for the active community. Hang around a bit more and come back after you're a little more well-known.
Denied due to lack of participation.
Hope you get back to snuff soon. Thanks for all the work keeping this and the other giveaway going...you are appreciated.