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Welcome back to the community GA! :)

Please, may I have for The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky ?

Thanks for your effort, zeogold, and to all the donators. Big +1
phaolo: Can I be in for:
Legend of Heroes, Trails in the Sky, The

I don't know much about this series, though..
Snowkatt's already been nominated for it, so you'll have to wait for her to either accept or reject.
gogamess: Please, may I have for The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky ?
I'm afraid two people are already in line for it, but if both turn it down, it'll go to you.

Perhaps it would be wise of me to remove the game from the list after nomination, then put it back after a reject. Should probably start doing that.
Post edited May 15, 2017 by zeogold
Thanks for donating Signal Ops skimmie! Appreciation also for our host zeogold, and again to gogtrial34987 for the nomination.
drealmer7: zeo, master of the keys and puzzles too, might I be granted:

Moebius: Empire Rising
zeogold: Granted.
Woot! Excellent! Thanks to you and to the anonymous donor!

It looks very good and I love Jane Jansen.
zeogold, you're awesome and I love you for resurrecting this Community GA, and for taking the huge responsibility and load of work that it must represent. Cheers!

All the donors are also awesome and loved for obvious reasons. Cheers!

Congrats to the winners so far! Enjoy those games!
MarkoH01: I am nominating brainvision for Simcity 200 Special Edition.
I've heard that one is a bit too Roman-centric :o).
zeogold: Perhaps it would be wise of me to remove the game from the list after nomination, then put it back after a reject. Should probably start doing that.
Just an idea. You could put some kind of symbol, like asterisk (*), amount of which equals amount of people already nominated, and reduce with every reject or take. This would have lesser chance of messing the list, I guess. YMV.
Wonderful to see the giveaway back. Thanks zeogold.

I would love to be granted Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion if at all possible.
I'd like to nominate Tallima for Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
Could I get Torchlight, please? :)
I don't know how the nomination thing works but here's the deal. In the Eador Genesis giveaway thread ZaineH, who's a cool bro by the way, lost the giveaway. I replied in the thread to him but I don't know if he saw the reply so maybe since you have a few Eador Genesis keys, you could arrange to offer him one.

This is his post

And not to sound repeating but Bio Menace appears free for me, isn't it free for everyone?
greeklover: And not to sound repeating but Bio Menace appears free for me, isn't it free for everyone?
Aye, zeogold is a joker.
Multi-thanks for Hotline Miami 1 goes to:

Skimmie - donor
Zeogold - giveaway host
Klumpen0815 - nominating

And welcome back, Community Giveaway!!!
I would like to request Urban Chaos, please?
Woah, didn't realize this started yet. Good job zeo on doing all of this!
(Note to self: Haven't been on the forums in ages. This is what I get for finally playing Dead Space.)

May be a small list of games, but there are a lot of good ones to choose from. So for those who need a few ideas, then let me offer a few recommendations.

The best game to come from Ion Storm Dallas (not Ion Storm Austin, which have us Deus Ex), this brainchild of Commander Keen designer Tom Hall is one strange beast. It's very much a JRPG, but with a western cyberpunk feel to it. There really is nothing like it, maybe other than the more cRPG Deus Ex. It's quirky, brilliantly written and acted, and highly original.

Duke Nukem 1+2
Before Duke Nukem 3D brought adult humor to the FPS market, a more toned down Duke existed in platformer form. Apogee's new icon brought fun gameplay and referential humor to the genre dominated by games like Keen. It was a standout for Apogee, and it holds up quite well today. Duke Nukem 2 is often seen as the better one, due to it just having a higher production value. So keep that in mind.

System Shock 2
Before the still incredible Bioshock series, as well as the first Dead Space, there was System Shock 2. This was the shining example of a sequel. Remove a lot of the clunkiness from the first, and make the atmosphere even more frightening. The result makes for a deep role-playing experience mixed with one of gaming's most atmospheric settings, along with the return of the ever-menacing SHODAN. This game is an icon of PC gaming, and the GOG version makes it work near flawlessly on modern systems.