ciemnogrodzianin: And don't worry - there will be discount again ;) I've bought M&M series during one of the previous sales and it's still untouched in my backlog. The last offer was historically the best, indeed, but I suppose it's not the end of world's history ;) and you can expect a new bundle during upcoming Winter Sale, perhaps even better.
Tauto: Might and Magic® 7: For Blood and Honor is a very good game.
kusumahendra: Care to elaborate why? I never played any game in this series, as I wouldn't count 3 hours I spent messing around in World of Xeen as playing
The M&M series was my first GOG purchase, Dec 2013, when they added PSC and I could finally get something... And it's still sitting there. Tried the first one, saying I'll take them in order, but the lack of saving except at inns made me too wary to really do much of anything, and no automap and needing to keep the list of spells on paper sure didn't help either, so eventually "officially" gave up.
Had played 6 before, and that had me completely hooked, and started 7 but then gave up on it. Still a very free world with systems that just feel like they... work, despite being limited in quite a few ways, but missed the great character development freedom of 6 too much, in 7 classes were more... typical, had to follow certain development paths, it wasn't pretty much anything goes anymore. Plus, I of course wanted the learning training first, to get all the exp boost, and while getting expert was easy, the mastery was not. Actually did make it to the Mount Nighon area with my very low level party, after a whole lot of saving and reloading through those tunnels and probably quite a pile of lost exp in the long term as monsters likely killed each other around me as I ran, also won piles of gold playing Arcomage there, but then meant to also get the +10 int/per boost from there and couldn't find a way to avoid some hydras or something, and then when also thinking that I'll have to get back through those tunnels as well I left it for a while and then abandoned it for good.
Was thinking that maybe I'll have another go someday, but it's been years and years and the thought of even doing that again never appealed. May be a nice game otherwise, and of course you're not supposed to get those skills and boosts so early, but I won't play it if I don't, and when adding the character development restrictions too and comparing to their lack in 6... Yeah. Probably on a "if I'll be old and gray and newer games will no longer be playable then, or not on any acceptable terms, or computers (or OSs) that could run them will be unacceptable to use" list.
ciemnogrodzianin: Do you recommend any particular order for someone, who don't know the series? I've played M&M6 years ago (never finished) and I'd like to play them all. The plan is to start from the very beginning (M&M1) to avoid loosing something from the whole story - is that good idea?
Wouldn't say there's really a story connecting them. What I do recommend (just based on what I played of 1 and 7 and playing 6 to the end, and what I read of the rest) is not hold the others to the standard of 6 or you'll probably be disappointed, and also probably not play the first ones if you already played a later one unless you can really drop expectations of features. I mean, 1 and 2 are really old games and they show it, and the lack of saving except at inns and automapping in 1 really hurts, and I have no idea why couldn't they show a menu of spells and instead you have to print them out in order to know what to type to cast something (any casting requires typing first spell level, then spell number, no indication whatsoever what's what unless you have the list in front of you). Know that in 2 you can save anywhere and I think mapping is a skill? Or available completely. Not sure, but there is something. (There is a great
guide with all maps from 1 though.)