Davane: To be fair, it's easy to see how such a mistake has been made. How about we forget the grandstanding here, and just move on? The community giveaway is a great initiative (now that I have found it... <.< >.> <.< ) that it would be a shame to ruin it with pointless bickering.
I still don't know what I did to get a nomination - I just dumped some free codes on the forums myself...
Breja: I don't mind his mistake. Could happen to anyone, fair enough. I mind that instead of apologising and moving on, he tried to "defend" himself by acting like an ass to moonshineshadow, who devotes his free time for everyone else's benefit, and really should not have to put up with such nastiness.
Moonshineshadow certainly doesn't deserve any nastiness. I, for one, would like to thank moonshineshadow, Iamsinistar, and all the other members of the community that make this the welcoming place it is. It's a shame that the misses doesn't let me spend as much time as I once did before.
I don't suppose someone could drop me a code for a divorce?! :p