moonshineshadow: And you can stop this ridiculous dance since neither will get it.
phaolo: But.. why so severe, it's not that we did such horrible offense..
She works hard, on a completely voluntary basis for no remuneration, to herd the cats and get us all nice things.
Things that make her job harder are, well, generally going to make the voluntary service more frustrating. And nobody doing good things likes to feel grumpy about the actual act of doing them, or to worry that what they're doing is unfair or subject to judgment.
Considering she didn't cut off your arm, personally I'd say it was not severe. She's presumably a human being (and not just the world's nicest AI) and ergo allowed to be frustrated from time to time. She's also management, and has 7.5 months experience actually running this GA. So she presumably also knows of what she speaks.
At worst consider the moment a reminder that she does this out of generosity, but that means all of us playing nice and helping her out, not making things harder. And if we err, then just apologize and try again the right way. /shrug.
Just my opinion. If you disagree with management and want to volunteer to step in and run it with a rule set you find more pleasing to you, by all means volunteer to take over. ;)