tarttari: How do I giveaway games? I can get Spelunky and Gabriel Knight for free but I think I might not have time to play them. In addition, is it possible to giveaway games that I buy from bundle? There are lots of nice summer bundle deals at the moment, but some games from the bundle I'm not interested etc...
Also I see that you can wish here so let me wish too... I would wish
Among the sleep or
Paper, please :-)
To give games obtained for free during the sale, you may want to use
the dedicated thread. Can send them here too, sure, just send the code via PM to moonshineshadow, but they expire quickly and there's no guarantee they'll be given away here until then. Not that there's one there of course, but people looking for them specifically may be more likely to look there, while a giveaway for the active community somewhat restricts the potential giftees here.
Speaking of that, I'm not finding any other posts by you, and it is a thread for the
active community, as in users who actively post for some time outside giveaway threads. Also, can't ask for more than one game at once and can only ask for games that are available (list in first post).
As for giving away games from bundles, that's an issue to take up with GOG support first. Only applies to games you have not downloaded anything from, so not even a little extra. If that's the case, send a support request asking for games to be unbundled and those you want to give away to be turned into gift codes and they should usually do so. May take a while now though, with the sale, so be patient.