JunglePredator: Hmm.... maybe the given list should be changed to italics? Cause I think I only did 2 scrolls on my scroll button & was in the given list without realizing it.
moonshineshadow: Well, the problem is that gog would need to fix the italics tag. Because it breaks whenever you you start a new line. So the list would need the tags for every game seperately. So nope. Not going to happen ;-)
Perhaps worth considering the question of whether to move them into a spreadsheet file, a la
what zeo did with the Steam - copycat GA ;)
Admittedly he did it out of necessity/lack of space, but it does seem to have eliminated confusion over what's available vs. what's gone out. I haven't seen anyone ask for games that aren't available since the change.
Then you could just link the file itself and the most recent tallied summary statistics that you compile now and then.
Just a thought.