JunglePredator: bas****! All my floppies died about 15 years ago & to buy a USB floppy drive is over $150! (That I can't buy diskettes anywhere for...)
Thank the nine divines they are dead! I still have my dad's copy of Ultima 8 and 2 to 3 on floppy still working, I prefer the ladder and having to purchase an updated version cuz he didn't get the bbs because he didn't know how it worked and I am the one who still plays those jumping controls, and I got a bowl full of paper to pick THAT option.
I haven't felt this unlucky and bad since downloading pokemon showdown and lose 14 rounds on a row, I still havne't joind the chat ffs!.
Also, that credit goes to my dad, he still has 5 pentium 3s still working and a hammer that looks like of that giant blacksmith in dark souls and a chair tied itogether with cow fat and a pair of scissors that look like a dwarf made it since he met my mother when he was 13, he is a resourceful one.
We still sell those here, in packets even, in fact, in this country we still sell motherboards and VCs that were pre 2004, hell, I think I could run Chaos Theory or Pandora Tomorrow on those dinasours.