v3: I would just like to acknowledge and thank every single individual involved in either of the twin threads, as this has exceeded all expectations!
And if I may humbly remind sleepy fingers to use their inborn talent and give those green buttons a gentle nudge, as we could never be thankful enough to splendid donors who often go about unnoticed asking not even a recognition for their truly indescribable gestures.
We should always urge our beautiful host (I couldn't have truly said this in the original thread because of Sinny's overly unsettling robotic form, though to be fair Trent was even suitable for kids, but try calling a pack leader beautiful) to check in every so often so we could make her posts eco-friendly.
The speech comes closer to completion but it would never be truly complete if ever growing number of wishlist voyeurs (once you're hooked you're toast, though I hope our pioneer HSL hasn't burned out) don't express their peeking tendencies in socially acceptable, even desirable way. Some, let's assign 'em a random codename Commander, have somewhat peculiar taste when it comes to peeping, but still nothing alarming, Others take the easy route, teach a certain lady the necessary skills, build her a house, incidentally also her workplace, then open its doors to desirous strangers, and eventualy resort to using her services themselves, when the need arises.
And of course, if the potential receptients haven't readily shared their heart's wishes with public and were equally willing to accept their fulfilment, all of the aformentioned people's efforts would be fruitless.
Long story short, thanks everybody!