zeogold: Not really. That's a slim amount of sugar compared to most American breakfasts.
TARFU: I don't know who you're eating breakfast with, but if I ate as much sugar as her, I'd probably die.
Seriously, couple scrambled eggs, couple slices of bacon, an english muffin with butter, and a cuppa coffee doesn't really have much sugar.
Read her breakfast description closely and compare it with mine (typical breakfast for me, BTW).
One serving of shredded wheat = negligible amount of sugar
Cracklin' Oat Bran = 15g of sugar
Elderflower honey = approx. 10g of sugar depending on amount used, although it's considered a "healthy" sugar
Rapsberries + blueberries = approx. 5g of sugar (assuming she's just sprinkling them and not using a full serving), although again considered a "healthy" sugar
Coffee = variable amount of sugar since she's adding sugar, but probably somewhere in the ballpark of 5g of sugar
Total: Approx. 35g of sugar, give or take a few grams. The most sugar-filled thing she's eating is the Cracklin' Oat Bran, but she's apparently already aware it's not that great for her.
Compare that to an average breakfast of pancakes, maple sryup, eggs, and bacon:
Pancakes = approx. 13g of sugar
Maple syrup = 14g of sugar per serving, but most people use way more than one serving, so I'd say at least 28g
Eggs = negligible amount of sugar
Bacon = negligible amount of sugar
Total: Approx. 41g of sugar depending on how much maple syrup is used.
So really, she's not that bad off.
The only real concern here would be, as tinyE said, the effect on her bowels, but we have no idea what her colon is capable of. I believe in her.