Fairfox: Teh large, original Post Shredded Wheat x2, with Elderflower honey smeared on top of each. Then I adds
plenty of Kellogg's Cracklin' Oat Bran cereal in teh bowl (it's nawdy 'n' I should skip it fo' realz, but I
<3 it so!), sprinkle lots 'n' looots of raspberries 'n' blueberries into teh mix and finally add a large, generous portion of Blue Diamond Coconut Almond milk (unsweetened, vanilla). I also makes a nommy K-Cup coffee with organic coconut sugar and more of teh Coconut Almond milk. Teh coffee is random... Sometimes German Choccy Cake, sometimes hazelnut, sometimes cinnamon, or Vanilla Cream Puff ooor salted caramel, etc.
Every day.
Tomorrow will
If I had that for breakfast I'd shit myself to death.